if you're currently working on a video game, take a short break, pick a number in your code or data files, multiply it by 1000, and post the results
if you're currently working on a video game, take a short break, pick a number in your code or data files, multiply it by 1000, and post the results
I know I'm not active on here but just in case there are press people here who don't still have an account elsewhere, here's the raw 4k screenshots for this update. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ulbwd1pcasa5p5qxm9tve/Mew4kScreenshotsMarch2024.zip?rlkey=augbbqt15yuwecipxlb8m8d7x&dl=0
We updated the store page for Mewgenics with newer screenshots, go check it out!
fun way to generate random numbers with a specific distribution: specify the distribution with a 1 bit image. choose a random pixel in the image. if it's black return the x coordinate, otherwise reroll
here's my quick thoughts on all of the games I played in 2022 https://medium.com/@tglaiel/the-games-i-played-in-2022-9dc34ae69a94?source=friends_link&sk=965675854896312be18cf77b1c86d6b6
please help me find my friends on here
oh no it makes noises when you get notifications
I have reserved my name here