Does any one of you have “Cultist Simulator” and/or “BOOK OF HOURS” on Steam and would be willing to give me their cards? I’m only missing a few of them.
Boost appreciated.
Does any one of you have “Cultist Simulator” and/or “BOOK OF HOURS” on Steam and would be willing to give me their cards? I’m only missing a few of them.
Boost appreciated.
Est-ce qu’il y a des personnes parmi vous qui ont « Cultist Simulator » et/ou « BOOK OF HOURS » sur Steam et qui ne sont prêt·e·s à se débarrasser de leurs cartes ? Ils ne m’en manquent que quelques unes.
Partage apprécié !
People who have played to “Cultist Simulator” and/or “BOOK OF HOURS”, what would you say is your primary aspect?
It’s in two poll because Mastodon doesn’t let me set a poll with ten options. Please, vote only one.
People who have played to “Cultist Simulator” and/or “BOOK OF HOURS”, what would you say is your primary aspect?
It’s in two poll because Mastodon doesn’t let me set a poll with ten options. Please, vote only one.
Dr. Aubière: “Tell me about your dream. The dream of the stair.”
Me: “It’s not the worst. But it’s not much fun.”
Dr. Aubière: “Which is the worst?”
Me: “The dream of the wood. I don’t like the dark.”
Weather Factory announced that their third game’s working title is “the name of a beloved book from the Secret Histories”.
Which one do you think is the more likely?
One can only descend again, and hope...
Cheers for the encouragement! It's been a learning curve so far, but love the meta way observations and increased understanding of the cards, story and game's mechanics mirrors the in-game #CultistSimulator world - really captures the vibe of slowly uncovering hidden knowledge, etc.
Re: #BookOfHours - I almost picked it up, then learned of this and decided to go chronological... I'll def check it out though, so thanks for the recommend!
That's the spirit!
One by one, the layers shall peel back, and lid after lid shall open before your eyes, peering through the skein of the real into the Real.
Also, if you enjoy #CultistSimulator, you're likely to love #BookOfHours which is a lot lower-pressure and fail-case-resistant but even more delightfully abstruse.
Well, that’s it, I finished “Book of Hours”.
It seems to me that a lot less people are talking about it than “Cultist Simulator”, its predecessor. Yet the new entry in the series is far more accessible. You don’t have to worry about dying in horrible ways, you are free to explore the game at your own pace. It’s a game that really reward exploration.
If you have liked “Cultist Simulator”, I would really advise you to check “Book of Hours”! Clearly one of my favorite games, ever.
Ja, ich glaube der #cultistsimulator ist damit von meiner Liste gestrichen. Ich komm da einfach nicht rein. Als ob da eine Blockade am Werk ist. Und ich möchte ehrlich gesagt nicht extra für das Spiel x Tutorial Videos schauen.
Ich bin ehrlich. Ich verstehe #cultistsimulator nicht.
Cultist Simulator was already Steam Deck Verified with Native Linux support but Weather Factory have put out a brand new update, which aims to improve it even further. #CultistSimulator
After playing #BookOfHours for two hours (no pun intended), I must say, I'm captivated.
The pacing is quite a bit slower than in #CultistSimulator, but the atmosphere is there, together with the love for details, and the excellent storytelling.
On the weekend I dug out #CultistSimulator again, to get in the mood for #BookOfHours, which is going to be released soon.
I'm absolutely hooked again. The storytelling and world building in Cultist Simulator is just amazing.
If Book Of Hours comes in any way close to that, it might become my favourite game of 2023.
I've been playing a bit of #CultistSimulator and I think I'm messing up because I keep getting too much Dread. Like bruh you work at the tax office during the day and spend evenings getting cool books downtown, why are you so stressed out?? >:l