Folks hosting their own #docker images, what registry host are you using? Specifically, #selfhosted. Looking into using quay. What else is a good open source option?
Folks hosting their own #docker images, what registry host are you using? Specifically, #selfhosted. Looking into using quay. What else is a good open source option?
Shift-Left Testing with Testcontainers: Catching Bugs Early with Local Integration Tests
#Docker #Engineering #DockerDesktop #Testcontainers
He descubierto que puedo instalar el servicio de #LibreTranslate en local con #Docker y he conseguido reemplazar el uso de #DeepL en mi instancia de #Mastodon para las traducciones. Otro gallifante para el equipo open source
How are people running the unifi controller on premise these days? I'm thinking of using a container, but I'm a bit worried about how well these unofficial container images are maintained, especially in the long term..
For everybody who uses the open source TTS (text-to-speech) application Piper: I have created a Docker file to run Piper directly within the container. No need to install the correct Python version. Everything comes pre-installed in the Docker image. Open source too:
#python #piper #tts #voice #docker #opensource
So, my conclusion after tinkering with "docker compose" and Synapse for a few weeks, is that you're really not meant to access network services on the Docker host (like Postfix) from a container.
("docker run" is a different story, but less relevant for my use case.)
I haven't seen a single working example of this (no socat please). So, either I'm really bad at reading, or nobody is doing it this way successfully.
I managed to run my CRM in production, with the database migrations
Next step is to make a smaller #Docker image. It's currently around 1GB, due to node_modules. I'll try the standalone mode. Hope prisma will still work.
Han mais docker qui ne construit qu'une partie de l'image d'un conteneur car il estime que c'est le même alors que non, l'entrypoint a changé
Today, I continue my crimes against humanity by proceeding with turning my old phone into a Linux server.
The software runs great after some configuration. I’ve now installed a CalDAV server (Baïkal) alongside Sharkey, both running in Docker.
My heatsinks for Raspberry Pi-sized devices arrived today! I’m still waiting for my fans before I can start designing the new 3D-printed case. I also need to figure out how to power the fans alongside the phone.
Here’s what it looks like with the heatsinks attached—ignore the black stuff on the left, it’s copper underneath, so it works really well. #exanimus #phone #arm #linux #docker #sharkey #selfhosted #caldav #baical #homeserver #arm #exanimus #phone #arm #linux #docker #sharkey #selfhosted #caldav #baical #homeserver #arm
no mamen que #docker no tienen --build-arg-file como #podman...
Show HN: XPipe, a shell connection hub for SSH, Docker, K8s, VMs, and more
Kamal: A Simple Solution for Application Deployment Amidst Cloud Complexity
In a bid to escape the convoluted pricing and setup of cloud services, 37signals has developed Kamal, a streamlined deployment tool that encapsulates applications with Docker. This innovative approach...
"The Docker AI Agent offers deeper context on docker images, containers, and volumes, delivers faster support, and enables more user actions via the DD GUI and CLI"
And it wrote this text as well!
Working on Fleetform (ff): A Docker Compose bundler with multi-host support and SSH deployment.
It loads <service>.service.yml and <host>.host.yml files, generating clean <host>.docker-compose.yml files. Services are regular Docker Compose services with hosts added, which are removed in the bundling process.
Servidor Raspberry Pi con Docker (II)
Ya tenemos nuestra Raspberry preparada con el sistema operativo RaspiOS y con acceso a él des
I am once again faced with the bleak irony of people who like to code in the terminal with Vim or Nano, but also install onto their computer some 5 or 10 apps via FlatPak or Docker, including VSCode, each installed with their own entire copies of Node.js and Electron.js (differing only in their minor revision number), while also complaining about Emacs being “bloated” because it ships with a miniature web browser and fully-featured e-mail client.
Instalación de WordPress mediante Docker - a #Docker extension for #GitHub #Copilot in or in your #IDE like #VSCode or #VisualStudio: