UFC fighter Conor McGregor goes on racist rant during White House visit https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/3/17/2310844/-Bigoted-UFC-fighter-welcomed-at-White-House?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_8&pm_medium=web #Trump #HateSpeech

UFC fighter Conor McGregor goes on racist rant during White House visit https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/3/17/2310844/-Bigoted-UFC-fighter-welcomed-at-White-House?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_8&pm_medium=web #Trump #HateSpeech
Remember when the extreme right people would talk about their "Free Speech" rights, and we all knew what they wanted- which was to use "Free Speech" as a pretense to cause harm to Queer folks, and Black folks, and anyone they didn't like.
We called it out. We made fun of them, called it "Freeze Peach", etc.
When someone, under the pretense of "Free Speech", physically assaults someone else, sprays hate messages on their home, shoots at their school, physically blocks them from entering their school or work, gives away maps of where a "certain type of person" lives, etc. that's also not "Free Speech". It doesn't matter what the cause is, and if it's someone from the Left doing it. It's still not okay.
Call it out. Call it Freeze Peach. Call it whatever the hell we need to call it to make it stop.
And if you defend this stuff, then as far as I'm concerned, you can go to the same place as the Proud Boys go.
@GottaLaff #hatespeech is not protected by our #constitution but ahjs been #normalized by #trump #maga #jan6 #gop #republicans
South African ambassador 'no longer welcome' in US, Rubio says https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crmj8ky3rvno #SouthAfrica #HateSpeech #Trump
#DemocraticPoliticians Should Leave #ElonMusk’s #XTwitter.
Undermining Democratic Discourse Since #Musk’s takeover, #Twitter has become a platform for #misinformation, #hatespeech, and #algorithmicbias, threatening democratic values.
Amplification of Extremism By removing #contentmoderation safeguards, #X allows #farright voices and #conspiracymyths to spread unchecked, distorting public debate. (1/3)
heise+ | Warum die Durchsetzung des DSA nur langsam vorankommt
Keines der von der EU angestoßenen DSA-Verfahren ist bislang abgeschlossen. Nun droht zusätzlich Gegenwind von der US-amerikanischen Trump-Administration.
Words the US administration doesn’t want to see federal employees in departments and agencies use – as collected by the @nytimes.com.
#accessible #allyship #antiracist #cleanEnergy #climateCrisis #DEI #disability #diversity #equity #feminism #hateSpeech #inclusion
#MotivationMonday: Netzwerktreffen „Hate Speech“
Thema: "Hass als Happy Product - wie neue popkulturelle Strategien in sozialen Netzwerken diskriminierende Inhalte verbreiten. Analysen und Lösungsansätze."
Wann? 19.03.2025, 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Wo? Online
Mit: Prof. Dr. Gernot Wolfram – Input & Diskussion
14:00 – 15:00 Uhr: Impulsvortrag + Diskussion
15:00 – 16:00 Uhr: Austausch & Vernetzung
Anmeldung bis 17.03.2025: info@ksm-sachsen.de
I really wasn't in a good mood about the people supporting J. K. Rowling and her transphobic nonsense that day.
Neither was Hector.
Fucking vile. She mocked residential school survivors for their testimony about being sexually abused as children. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/dallas-brodie-removed-from-b-c-conservative-caucus-1.7478162 #ResidentialSchool #BCPolitics #HateSpeech #Canada
Supervigtigt indlæg af Rosa Lund fra Enhedslisten om #hatespeech på internettet
Hadefulde kommentarer betød, at jeg måtte trække mig som udlændingeordfører | Information
> Mit kommentarspor på Facebook er det mest hadefulde i dansk politik. Efter fem år med had og trusler måtte jeg ty til selvcensur. Det er ikke bare et personligt anliggende, men et alvorligt demokratisk problem
Chairman Jordan Subpoenas:
„In recent years, foreign governments have taken increasingly aggressive actions to suppress disfavored views on social media by regulating content. For example, new laws in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) require social media companies to censor so-called “disinformation” and “harmful content,” as defined by unelected regulators, or elseface enormous fines.“
via Chairman Jordan Subpoenas Big Tech for Information on Foreign Censorship of American Speech | judiciary.house.gov gefunden bei Anne Roth
Nein, sie machen nicht nur Amerika kaputt. Sie ziehen da alle mit rein. Arschlöcher.
Permalink: https://schoenswetter.servus.at/439/
ciambellano: sire il popolo ha fame, non ci sono più uova in tutto il regno!
lo saprà com'è finita con Maria Antonietta?
@martellum dici neanche con le nuove Police di #meta che liberano l' #hatespeech e le #fakenews non #moderano più e eliminano il #FactCheck ? Perché i social tradizionali stanno diventando una fogna
It is critical that we remember. We must. stand up and resist if we are to prevent this from repeating. Trump, the MAGA movement, and the far Right are hurting people for political gain.
Latest Journal of Language and Discrimination is out, with a review by me of Ermida's (2023) anthology on hate speech!
Unfortunately not open access, but please ask your library to get the journal.
@bmbf_bund @bmi Im Rahmen des Schülerwettbewerbs zur politischen Bildung der @bpb hat MOTRA die evang. Religionsgruppe der 9. Klasse des Franz Marc Gymnasiums unterstützt. Die Schüler*innen erstellten den #Podcast „FMG fragt nach: Rechtsextremismus im Netz“, in dem sie sich mit rechtsextremen Inhalten und Hassrede im digitalen Raum auseinandersetzen.
#FediLZ #Extremismus #rechtsextremismus #hatespeech
DC Lobbyist Courtney Johnson’s racist texts: Rejecting ill-informed beliefs the only cure to racism. https://egbertowillies.com/2025/03/03/dc-lobbyist-courtney-johnsons-racist-texts-rejecting-ill-informed-beliefs-the-only-cure-to-racism/ #HateSpeech
Neue #Bedrohungen für #Minderjährige im #Netz jenseits von #Hatespeech, Cyberbullying und Desinformation: #Europol warnt aktuell vor sektenähnlichen Online-Gruppierungen, die gezielt psychisch labile Menschen ausfindig machen, Vertrauen aufbauen und intime Informationen abfragen, um die Betroffenen damit anschließend zu erpressen und gefügig zu machen:
"Führungsfiguren dieser Gruppen wollen nichts weniger als den Zusammenbruch der modernen Gesellschaft erreichen"