The next piece of art in my collection of nursing textbooks from inter-war-period.
My husband suggests that I should open a museum.
The next piece of art in my collection of nursing textbooks from inter-war-period.
My husband suggests that I should open a museum.
**The Emergence of Pastoralism East of the Jordan Valley**
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
_“Drawing from the archaeological and biomolecular records, Makarewicz will first investigate how the spread of domesticated goats and sheep during the mid-seventh millennium into the rapidly changing built Neolithic environments of the Jordanian highlands sparked the emergence of a novel form of animal management central to pastoralism: seasonal transhumance.”_
#Video length: one hour and eight seconds.
#Lecture #Archaeology #Archaeodons #Ancient #Culture #History #Histodon #Histodons #MiddleEast #Asia @archaeodons @histodon @histodons
Appel à contributions : "Que fait une sculpture à un jardin ? Que fait un jardin à une sculpture ? (17e-21e siècle)"
En lien avec Rendez-vous au jardin, la journée d'étude (Paris, 6 juin 2025) interrogera la place des sculptures dans les jardins, à quoi servent-elles, leurs d'autres questions passionnantes !
Propositions à envoyer avant le 31 mars
Ungarische Online-Archive gesucht
an die Historiker*innen
Ich suche Online-Archive für Ungarn
Kirchbücher etc.
to all Historicans
(looking for a person)
I am looking for Hungarian online archives.
(church records, gravestones, adress books etc...)
Who can help?
Wer kann helfen?
Edit: add hashtags
#histodon #histodonDE #archive #ungarn #archives #onlinearchives #ahnenforschung
"Ich bin beim Punischen Krieg eingeschlafen."
Sätze, die wohl nicht oft an einem Küchentisch fallen.
**How the US has tried to annex Canada before – and why some Canadians wanted to become American **
Kristofer Allerfeldt
_“The 1812 invasion of Canada was a far more serious affair. Hoping to capture Canada in order to use it as a bargaining chip in their maritime disputes with Britain, US forces launched a three-pronged attack._
_It met with stiff resistance from the British and their Canadian and Native American allies. The invading US forces were comprehensively defeated.”_
#History #Histodon #Histodons #Canada #USA #US #UnitedStates #NorthAmerica #America @histodon @histodons
On this day in 1881, Diana Bevin née Tidbould gave birth to her seventh child in Winsford, an Exmoor village in Somerset. This child was Ernest Bevin, who later became a Labour politician.
Diana was known to be very loving and hardworking, taking on a variety of roles such as a laundress, midwife, kitchen assistant and a worker at the local Royal Oak pub.
**After 1177 B.C.**
_“In this gripping sequel to his bestselling 1177 B.C., Eric Cline tells the story of what happened after the Bronze Age collapsed—why some civilizations endured, why some gave way to new ones, and why some disappeared forever.”_
#Audio #Podcast #History #Histodon #Histodons #Book #Bookstodon @histodon @histodons @bookstodon
Worüber man bei Recherchen nebenbei stolpert: einer schöner Bericht über den Fußball der Frauen ab 1950 inkl. Interview u.a. von Spielerinnen der Fortuna Dortmund.
#herstory #histodon #dfb #geschichte
Say, remember what happened to the #RomanEmpire when they stopped taking care of their #soldiers? [Read below]
Trump administration plans to cut 80,000 employees from VA
Veterans are speaking out on the Trump administration’s plans to cut the VA’s budget
"Some historians trace the beginning of the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Senate’s decision to reduce the soldiers’ pension. With less incentive to join the army, the Roman citizens turned to different careers. The Senate then filled the ranks of the army with Barbarians, diminishing the cohesion and discipline. These decisions are major contributing factors that lead to the fall of Rome. A cautionary tale to not mess with a veteran’s pension and post service benefits."
#USPol #FallOfTheEmpire #USEmpire #Veterans #VeteransBenefits #History #AncientHistory #Histodon #BadDOGE #DOGE #HistoryRepeats
#Paris 7mars, 18h-19h
j'anime (avec une collègue et deux étudiantes) une rencontre avec Dominique Lagorgette, autrice de l'ouvrage "Pute. Histoire d'un mot et d'un stigmate", paru en 2024 aux Editions la Découverte.
Lieu: à la bibliothèque universitaire, dans l'espace débats au niveau 1, 8 ave. de Saint Mandé, métro Picpus ou Nation.
Entrée libre sans réservation.
Détails :
NB : on commence à l'heure, si vous comptez venir, soyez à l'heure.
Today in 2010, Andrée Peel died in Long Ashton at the incredible age of 105.
Born and raised in France as Andrée Virot, she joined the French Resistance during World War II and saved the lives of 102 allied pilots. Andrée survived torture and concentration camps.
She later lived for many years in Long Ashton with her husband, where she worked as a healer.
She features in Unsung Women in Somerset.
**Ian Stewart on The Celts: A Modern History**
_“The Celts: A Modern History of Freedom in Modern Life is a a new history of the Celts that reveals how this once-forgotten people became a pillar of modern national identity in Britain, Ireland, and France.”_
#Book #Bookstodon #History #Histodon #Histotons #Celts #Britain #Ireland #France #Europe @bookstodon @histodon @histodons
**The Last Great Pagan King in England - Penda of Mercia**
The History Chap
#Video length: nineteen minutes and fifty-one seconds.
Sur le #blog François Herbaux, Pythéas explorateur du Grand Nord #Marseille #Histodon
2e episode sur la peinture troubadour, cette fois-ci avec la confection de la Joconde. L’occasion de se demander comment Monna Lisa a probablement posé pour Léonard de Vinci.
It's Pulaski Day and I have a question for K-12 #teachers in #Illinois: do you incorporate any lessons about Casimir Pulaski into your curriculum? Any acknowledgement whatsoever about why there's a random Monday off from school every March? Does he get a mention? Inquiring minds want to know! #PulaskiDay #DadThoughts #History #Histodon #Histodons #Today
**Listen In: How Radio Changed the Home review – the wonder of the wireless revolution**
_“Beaty Rubens’s study of the impact of early radio broadcasts in Britain is full of fascinating and often poignant detail”_
#History #Histodon #Histodons #Radio #Wireless #Book #BookReview #Review #Bookstodon #UK #UnitedKingdom #Britain @bookstodon @histodon @histodons
What are your favourite #oralhistory projects?
#history #histoire #oralhistory #histodon #digitalhumanities @histodon #archives @histodons