名作『LIMBO』『INSIDE』のNintendo Switch版が大幅セール。2本買っても500円以下。語りすぎないストーリーと適度な難易度がハマったインディーゲームの名作
REMINDER: Am 06.03. (16:00 - 18:00) findet die Abschlusskonferenz des #INSIDE-Projekts statt. Anmeldung und Teilnahme sind kostenfrei! Hier geht's zu mehr Infos: https://www.inside-studie.de/abschlusskonferenz-2025
#alt ist @norberteder's #52WochenFotoChallenge
09/52 Red Cup
A small, delicate and so beautiful red coffee cup made of fine porcelain. Just a cup - but while setting the scene for it, I pondered about it having seen so much through all the decades, a century. What talks has this little beauty heard, in what cupboards has it been placed, how many moves without even the tiniest scratch to its elegant surface?
Inside cat Restaurant window, Amsterdam #photography #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #PhotographersUnited #cat
Wieliczka salt mine tunnel One of many... #photography #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #LeadingLines #Perspective #VanishingPoint #underground
Timber inlay floral pattern, interior of Łazienki Palace Looks like a #Spring bouquet to me... #photography #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #BlueSkyArtShow #Spring #artisan #inlay #flowers
More cowbell!! Ceiling, La Fenice, Venice #photography #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #rococo #architecture #decoration
Handy calculator for working out which #hashtag is current today (Astronomical clock in St. Mary's church, Gdánsk) #photography #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #astronomy #horology
Inside the cable car, looking up to Kasprowy Wierch, Tatras #photography #landscape #TatraMountains #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin
Spain, winter 2006, from inside a Renfe train A self-indulgent shot, taken with one of the earliest phone-cameras, the superlative Sony-Ericsson P910i, with touch screen, real keyboard, internet & a (!) 640x480 camera #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #photography #P910i
Interior, Cafe Central, Vienna #photography #architecture #urban #cafe #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin
Interior, one of E Wedel chocolate shops #photography #interior #chocolate #Wedel #urban #architecture #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin
Now *that's* a proscenium arch Interior of La Fenice, Venice #photography #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #interior #architecture #theatre #OperaHouse #LaFenice
St. Kinga's chapel, Wieliczka salt mine, Poland 100 metres underground, carved from salt #photography #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #EastCoastKin #interior #landscape #architecture #mine
View through the stone window in the Bridge of Sighs towards the Ponte del Canonica, Venice #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #WindowsOnWednesday #EastCoastKin #Landscape #Venice #urban #photography #canals #BloodyGondolas
Lake Tekapo Chapel, un-stained glass altarpiece #AlphabetChallenge #WeekIforInside #Inside #WindowsOnWednesday #EastCoastKin #photography #landscape #tekapo #lake #chapel #UnstainedGlass