About the franchise Life Is Strange from DONTNOD and Square Enix
I watched a video essay years ago on the nature of determinism and regret. It used Life Is Strange as the vehicle to discuss a basic storyline and how we perceive choices. The vid made it out that this game was written by cishet white doods trying to write about a young, potentially queer, young woman. It didn't sound good so I wrote off the game as an interesting discussion on writing, and the concepts the game plays with. Y'know, one to talk about; not one to play.
Years later, I find myself in a comic/artist-lead Discord server and they were discussing Life Is Strange 2. They sang the praises of the story, the art direction, the soundscape. So I played the first episode since it was free on Steam.
And I've thought about little else since. It is gorgeous. Choices are presented but they make little effect on the story (it seems). It feels like an interactive movie; a two-person character study of brothers overcoming adversity. Discovering who they are, what their goals are, and keeping each other in check and happy.
And there's a dog. 13/10. No notes.
There's another game called The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit which is set in the Life Is Strange 2 world. A cameo, lots of Easter eggs, and a gorgeous storyline of death, suffering, and hope shining through the cloud of darkness.
I'm in a very lovey and soft mood now. Raw emotions.