Falha no FreeType 2 explorada em ataques revelada pelo Facebook https://tugatech.com.pt/t65101-falha-no-freetype-2-explorada-em-ataques-revelada-pelo-facebook
Falha no FreeType 2 explorada em ataques revelada pelo Facebook https://tugatech.com.pt/t65101-falha-no-freetype-2-explorada-em-ataques-revelada-pelo-facebook
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – Auf dem Weg zu einer OER-Community: Einblicke
Stolpersteine und Chancen " 11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/25lelm9x
Ragazzi, Pronti per i Workshop della RHC Conference? Scopriamo assieme Deepfake, AI, Darkweb, Hacking e Doxing
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/ragazzi-siete-pronti-deepfake-doxing-ai-e-dark-web-nei-workshop-interattivi-della-rhc-conference/
“Hanno Rubato la Mia Vita” – La Storia Choc di una Vittima del Cybercrime
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/hanno-rubato-la-mia-vita-la-storia-choc-di-una-vittima-del-cybercrime/
Apple sotto attacco: grave vulnerabilità zero-day utilizzata dagli Spyware! Aggiorna subito!
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/apple-sotto-attacco-grave-vulnerabilita-zero-day-utilizzata-dagli-spyware-aggiorna-subito/
Addio a Microsoft Remote Desktop! Ecco cosa cambia dal 27 maggio 2025!
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/addio-a-microsoft-remote-desktop-ecco-cosa-cambia-dal-27-maggio-2025/
Arriva NightSpire! Un Nuovo Attore nel Panorama del Ransomware
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/arriva-nightspire-un-nuovo-attore-nel-panorama-ransomware/
Honey admite alterar afiliados com recentes mudanças da Chrome Web Store https://tugatech.com.pt/t65092-honey-admite-alterar-afiliados-com-recentes-mudancas-da-chrome-web-store
Das Digitial Citizenship Education (DCE) Handbuch kann nun auch offiziell auf der Website des Council of Europe in deutschsprachiger Übersetzung der englischsprachigen Originalausgabe heruntergeladen werden: https://www.coe.int/en/web/education/-/digital-citizenship-education-dce-handbook-now-available-in-german
Wer das Handbuch noch nicht am Rechner hat, kann diesen Umstand als friendly reminder interpretieren. In diesem Handbuch werden die zehn Dimensionen des Europaratskonzepts von „Digital Citizenship Education“ dargestellt. Diese sind in drei Blöcke gegliedert: "Online sein", "Wohlergehen im Internet" und "Rechte im Internet". #DCEY2025 #digital #online #internet #schule
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Publishing a Book with Pressbooks – An Introduction"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: University of British Columbia
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/28cfhb2r
Sotto Sorveglianza: 3,16 Milioni di Utenti Sorvegliati da Meta, Google e Apple nel Rapporto di Proton
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/sotto-sorveglianza-316-milioni-di-utenti-sorvegliati-da-meta-google-e-apple-nel-rapporto-di-proton/
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Faculty Insights: Leveraging GenAI for Open Education at KPU"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/25cxdvkb
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Wiki Loves Africa 2025 Contest Launch"
16:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki In Africa
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/2ar2597w
FUNKSEC rivendica un attacco Informatico All’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Scopri i dettagli
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/funksec-rivendica-attacco-informatico-alluniversita-di-modena-e-reggio-emilia-scopri-i-dettagli/
Google altera regras das extensões após polémica com Honey https://tugatech.com.pt/t65082-google-altera-regras-das-extensoes-apos-polemica-com-honey
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Optimiser la conception adaptative des Ressources Éducatives Libres (REL) avec l’IA"
12:30 (UTC) Hosts: Université de York
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/2d6v6r36
“If there is a useful and relevant political science literature on the processes through which random social media memes are becoming the basis for dramatic changes in U.S. governmental structures and policies, I’d love to see it.”
- @himself.bsky.social reviews Chris Hayes’ new book on our dysfunctional attention economy
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "OEW@Campus Luzern – (Wie) Unterstützen Open Educational Resources Lehr- und Lernprozesse? "
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
Join the Event https://tinyurl.com/24mnpnn4
E ora del Riavvio! Patch Tuesday 03-2025: 6 Zero-Day attivamente sfruttate e 57 vulnerabilità risolte
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/e-ora-del-riavvio-patch-tuesday-03-2025-6-zero-day-attivamente-sfruttate-e-57-vulnerabilita-risolte/
Fake news: studio internazionale rivela che è tutta colpa dell’AI e dell’anonimato online
Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/sei-sicuro-di-saper-riconoscere-una-fake-news-mettiti-alla-prova/