ParSec Issue 12 has dropped and includes my novelette “Adamere in Swan.” You can buy the issue or subscription from the PS Publishing website.
Cover art by Jim Burns
“Adamere in Swan” is a prequel to “The Relative Positions of Dead Things in the Dark” (ParSec Issue 4). It began life as a bloated novelette/beginning of a longer piece, and ended up as a svelte novelette which can stand alone as well as serving as part of a series of linked stories.
I started writing about Xan as a lark. I’d finished my first NaNoWriMo and decided I wanted to keep up the daily writing habit. I worked on a novel and shorter related pieces, enabled by a tiny laptop, pubtrans, and whitefish bagel sandwiches at a bagel shop close to my workplace at the time. (Whether or not I do anything with those words, now sitting on a different tiny laptop, is another question.)
Early on, I decided I wanted to introduce an adopted sibling and Baschimeh began coming into focus. When Baschimeh decided she was trans, I had to decide how to deal with that.1 (Particularly since I am cis, and since I wanted to write about a trans character rather than the experience of being trans.) I very specifically wanted a setting where none of the characters would care—not Baschimeh, not her family, not her friends or antagonists—because trans women are women. That left me with the question of how to communicate to readers that she’s trans (or would identify as/be identified as trans, if she were a real person living in the early 21st century). I eventually settled on a reference to participation in a boys’ ceremony as a child, which is maybe a bit blink-and-you-miss-it but that’s also kind of the point. I’m aiming for more of a “fuck off, terfs” vibe (because really, fuck all the way off, terfs) than “colorblind but for gender” (ugh), and hope I succeed at least that far.
- No, I don’t actually think my characters are independent entities. But when it’s the subconscious, rather than the conscious mind, putting in work, it can certainly feel that way. ↩︎