Oan that Deep Rock Galactic shit noo
I played my first co-op games of #DeepRockGalactic last night, with one other friend. Oh my, it's *good*. Already eager to play more. Feels great to work with friends on missions with more interesting objectives than mere violent mayhem. There is also violent mayhem! But it's the spice, not the meat.
It feels like a vast improvement over Helldivers 2 both mechanically and in overall attitude, which is odd given that it predates Helldivers 2 by several years. #RockAndStone #VideoGames
@sophie Only if you are a dwarf. #rockandstone
Currently stuck in my head, an ear worm as such #deeprockgalactic #rockandstone #videogames https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZXBm1NXBaI
Honestly, I feel like I might've hit my stride with the Cluster Bombs Overclock now... The shortened fragment time probably helps, making it more capable of snap ambush response, and it made Haz 5 solo pretty painless, even with Lethal Enemies... turns out the drill-shaft is also close enough proximity to catch bugs on the walls in a burst! Good with BRT for backup!
#RockAndStone - Come and join the mining trio of @jae, @jsbilsbrough, and @SolarisWesson for some more #DeepRockGalactic action.
It's time for #RockAndStone with @jsbilsbrough and his crew ( @SolarisWesson and Zack) for some Friday night #DeepRockGalactic.
Come and join us over on #twitch https://cwir.es/twitch
>find rock
>break rock
>look inside
Six years on from the DRG early access and Ghost Ship Games are still running an absolute masterclass in doing right by the players.
All rock and stone, all the time.
I appreciate games creating seasonal content, but I'm old enough to think that normal holidays are overdone.
IMO games should make up their own holidays and celebrate them instead.
#RockAndStone Day in Deep Rock Galactic.
Tip A Hooker Day in Grand Theft Auto.
Tree-Hugging Day in...well, every racing game.
What in-game holidays would you like to see celebrated?