Zsigmond Barna Pál: Nem adjuk zálogba Magyarország szuverenitását #hír #hungary #Magyarország Zsigmond Barna Pál: Nem adjuk zálogba Magyarország szuverenitását #hír #hungary #Magyarország
What's Fueling Pro-Western, Anti-Government Protests In Georgia, Hungary, Romania, And Serbia? (More) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Romania #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #Serbia #Georgia #Hungary #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar
#RussiaIsATerroristState Magyar Pétert az ATV riport után a Bedebohóc várta… De nem kapott aprót… #hungary Sikorski calls on the Polish opposition to influence Hungary’s position on Ukraine #hír #hungary #Magyarország
Putin’s Biggest Allies in Europe Face Political Peril #CǎlinGeorgescu #Hungary #Protests #Romania #Russia #Serbia #ViktorOrban #VladimirPutin
@noelreports Perhaps funding from the EU's common purse should be in form of *loans* contingent on the recipient meeting certain standards of conduct before repayment isn't required? Karácsony Gergely: Lesz Pride Budapesten. Még az is lehet, hogy nagyobb, mint valaha #hungary
Freedom of speech?
Freedom of assembly?
Not recognized in Orbán's #Hungary.
The powerful and wealthy group of fascists who carried Trump to the presidency are now trying to do the same in Europe.
Please Europe, fight them better than we did! Index – Külföld – Robert Fico: Szlovákia soha nem fogja támogatni az Európai Unió Magyarország elleni szankcióit #EurópaiUnió #hír #hungary #Külföld #Magyarország #RobertFico #szankciók #Szlovákia
Putin's ally, Hungary's governing party submitted a bill to parliament on Monday that aims to ban the annual Budapest Pride event in March, in the latest effort to crack down on the country’s LGBTQ community.
The government had never supported the parade, and Prime Minister Viktor Orban has frequently lashed out against LGBTQ people and vowed to clamp down on their rights
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #hungary #LGBT
yeah the #usa is #europe's warning
europe has plenty of #kremlin proxies and #bigotry as well
europe needs to understand the warning that is my failed country and fight this toxin
#orban is facing a big challenge in #magyar:
#eu needs to watch this contest closely
i fear orban and his backers will try unseemly things
otherwise, with hope, we can see the end of orban in #hungary
then on to the next battle
#Hungary is thinking about banning #Pride events. If this actually happens, this will ironically prove the point of Pride:
That #LGBTQ+ people are still oppressed; that the fight against #oppression is needed more than ever.
If being #queer and proud in public is a punishable offense, this tells more about the #state than about queer people.
The seething hatred against LGBTQ+ that some people have is just so pathetic. Civil Liberties Report on media freedom calls out Italy, Hungary #EuropeanUnion #hír #hungary #international #italy #Magyarország
There once was a bill that was tried
To ban Budapest Pride, they implied
But the LGBTQ+ community's strong
They'll fight against this wrong
Their love and pride can never be denied
#GuardianLimerick #Hungary #Pride #Europe
In January, Secretary of State Marco Rubio called Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter #Szijjártó, urging him not to derail the EU's sanctions framework, according to two senior officials granted anonymity by POLITICO to speak freely. Mert lehallgatta a feleségét. Még mindig itt tartunk.. Forrás : O.V hivatalas fb oldal. #hungary