*Loving Choices are extremely important!
*Music of Whether you believe in "Christ Jesus" is not the point here!*but *"what would Jesus do in your situation?"*Jesus was Love!*& He taught Love!*& you can count on this when going about your life!
#Music#USA #World #Decisions #Life #Love #Jesus #Compassion #Empathy #Journey #Republicans
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE | THE LIVING STONES QUARTET #thelsq https://youtube.com/watch?v=pUmuwfCUYwA&si=OPNbUZOiuCrr2QZC
*Music of Whether you believe in "Christ Jesus" is not the point here but making decisions!*& treatment of others like Jesus would in your life!*"what would Jesus do in your situation?"*Jesus was Love!*& He taught Love!*& you can count on this when going about your life!*Amen!
#Music#USA #World #Decisions #Life #Love #Jesus #Compassion #Empathy #Journey #Republicans
God's ways vs Man's ways | A funny Animation https://youtube.com/watch?v=2utXPjySWdE&si=YlyVb26mx7MjAWmJ
*Music of Whether you believe in "Christ Jesus" is not the point here but making decisions!*& treatment of others like Jesus would in your life!*"what would Jesus do in your situation?"*Jesus was Love!*& He taught Love!*& you can count on this when going about your life!*Amen!
#Music#USA #World #Decisions #Life #Love #Jesus #Compassion #Empathy #Journey #Republicans
Hero Making good choices https://youtube.com/watch?v=B2VG7aKxO0c&si=L06j0-eLAyMn8U3P
*Music Share of*Whether you believe in "Christ Jesus" is not the point here as much as making decisions!*& treatment of others like Jesus would in your situations in your life!*"what would Jesus do in your situation?"*Because Jesus was Love!*& He taught Love!*& you can count on this when going about your life!*& Making decisions!?!*Amen!
#Music#USA #World #Decisions #Life #Love #Jesus #Compassion #Empathy #Journey #Republicans
Song of Choices and Dreams https://youtube.com/watch?v=79LYSDymVEc&si=OVfGrUZVHpitTW1h
Virtual Journeys Tokyo frame 049 .... Virtual Journeys: Tokyo frame 049
A story about Tokyo based on photos made in 1994. A journey in space and time. Part of the World Communication project that I have restarted in 2019. Get the image from this video at https://steit.net/shop/tokyo-frame-049 #Tokyo #art #digital_art #travel #virtual_travel #shibuya_station #shibuya #time_travel #1994 #virtual_journey #journey
Virtual Journeys Tokyo frame 049 .... Virtual Journeys: Tokyo frame 049
A story about Tokyo based on photos made in 1994. A journey in space and time. Part of the World Communication project that I have restarted in 2019. Get the image from this video at https://steit.net/shop/tokyo-frame-049 #Tokyo #art #digital_art #travel #virtual_travel #shibuya_station #shibuya #time_travel #1994 #virtual_journey #journey
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
Virtual Journeys Tokyo Shibuya Frame 115 .... Virtual Journeys: Tokyo Shibuya Frame 115
A story about Tokyo based on photos made in 1994. A journey in space and time. Part of the World Communication project that I have restarted in 2019. Get the image from this video at https://steit.net/shop/Tokyo-Shibuya-Frame-115 #Tokyo #art #digital_art #travel #virtual_travel #shibuya_station #shibuya #time_travel #1994 #virtual_journey #journey
73 days smoke free!!! Just had to share because I haven’t checked this app for a little bit and I was blown away by how far I have come . I would say half of the days are easy and half are really difficult and I still use nicotine mints and gum the amount depends on the day but on the whole it’s getting less. I am still shocked that I’m managing to stick with this and I’m truly proud of myself. Also I’m loving that I can say I haven’t smoked this year
and as the days are ticking along being able to say this means more.
Stopping smoking is just one of many things that I’m either already doing or intending to do and every goal is something to make my body or mind healthier and stronger. I know that these objectives are contributing to me getting to become the person I want to be. Every piece of the puzzle matters and in the short term will help to get me through intensive trauma therapy and in the long term who knows, it’s actually not something I’ve thought about yet. I’m naturally an impatient person so that is also something I’m working hard on by trusting the choices I’m making and having faith in the path I’m walking and that at the very least my mental health will improve so that I can be a stronger more independent woman.
I want to thank everyone that has been following me on my journey to stronger mental health and huge thank you for you love, beautiful messages and support. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdrecoveryjourney #complextrauma #complextraumarecovery #trusttheprocess #positivity #strength #love #betterhealth #patience #healthybodyhealthymind #journey #stopsmoking #stopsmokingstartliving
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Astronauts' #Long #Journey #Home
#DailyJokes #FunnyNews #DailyLaughs #LaughWithAI #Jokes
Alice in park – ending story A – dream in a park
Empiezo a sospechar que gran parte de mi cultura musical de los 70 viene influenciada por lo que sonaba en Los Simpson xD
Journey – Lights (Cover) | Alexander Kariotis
Live from his livestream studio - Alexander Kariotis Sings the Journey hit "Lights" #cover #livemusic #journey #steveperry #livestream Alexander Kariotis - Vocals Alan Michaels - Drums Hal Hirsch - Guitar Mark Madonna - Piano/Organ Aimee Willis - Backing Vocals Kaela O'Connor - Backing Vocals Ty Chee - Video Jordan Porflit - Lighting Design
Songs is currently on your favorite platforms: …
"I'll Be Alright Without You" is a song by the American rock band #Journey included on their 9th studio album, #RaisedOnRadio. The song was written and composed by #JonathanCain, #StevePerry, and #NealSchon.