Logitech calling their software "Log Options+" so I can't find it even though installed when I search for "Logitech".
Not sure if I should be annoyed at #microsoft #windows or #logitech so I'll be mad at all of them
Logitech calling their software "Log Options+" so I can't find it even though installed when I search for "Logitech".
Not sure if I should be annoyed at #microsoft #windows or #logitech so I'll be mad at all of them
I think I may buy another Semi-Vertical Mouse.
I am trying to get used to the Logitech Ego M575. The ball is not the issue, my hand placement, maybe. I either keep clicking on the back button, which is located as part of the left click button, or if I move my hand further away, resting my hand I tend to easily right-click (the slightest weight does it).
A semi-vertical mouse, you can let your hand rest upon, as opposed to a vertical mouse, which has you almost gripping the mouse. Attached is a photo example of a semi-vertical (what most of my mice usually look like). It is more of an angle, than truly vertical.
I would be curious about getting one with a ball, still. I do like that I am not needing to move the mouse.
#PcMouse #PcMice #Logitech #Mouse #PcHardware #Hardware
I paid the extra money to buy myself a Logitech Ego M575.
A lot of people recommended this mouse when I kept mentioning that I often have mice die on me. I am now questioning if people who suggested this mouse, actually ever used this mouse, or understood my issue.
The scroll wheel, the middle button / wheel, between the left and right button of most PC mice, is what normally dies on me. And when people recommended the ball, I wrongfully assumed, the ball could be used for scrolling. That is not the case, the ball is used for the pointer and the mouse remains stationary.
I presume most people must have been thinking, I could just click on the scroll bar and then use the ball. The goal is never to use that scroll bar and just infinitely scroll via the mouse. That is why I depend on the scroll wheel.
So far, the mouse works - I just got it yesterday. I guess I'll see how long this mouse last.
#PcMice #PcMouse #Mouse #PcHardware #Hardware #Logitech
heise+ | Tippen und Drehen: Mac-Zubehör für Kreative von Logitech im Test
Logitechs MX Creative Console ersetzt Tastenkombinationen in ausgesuchten Kreativprogrammen.
Apparently Windows now supports Dynamic Lighting - was rather surprised when machine took over managing Logitech
keyboard lights
Luckily, had my presets stored on device
Funny story: if you search for lights
in settings, can't find it. In the times of AI, it feels rather ridiculous. Or I need
GPU to run such search correctly?
¿Hace falta desactivar el ratón y teclado inalámbrico al apagar el PC? Es un combo #logitech #MK295.
He mirado la escasa documentación que tiene en la web y, supongo, debe tener un modo ahorro de batería al no estar vinculado con el PC. Algo de batería debe consumir por estar en espera, claro, pero debe ser poca cosa. ¿Verdad?
I don't have a Mac but I kinda want to buy a Magic Keyboard. Some reviews indicate that it works with Linux. I wonder if I should switch to it from my current Logitech. Or get a newer Logitech, maybe the MX Keys Mini.
Ah ja, und der Ladestatus wird im Bluetooth-Menu-Item angezeigt. Das habe ich auch eben zum ersten Mal bewusst gesehen. Ich bin, warum auch immer, bisher davon ausgegangen, dass das nur bei Apple-Hardware der Fall ist.
TIL: Logitech MX Master 3S hat die USB-Buchse zum Laden nicht an der Unterseite. Diese zeigt vielmehr nach vorn – die Maus lässt sich also auch während des Ladens verwenden.
Das ist an sich auch genau das, was man erwarten würde. Und doch war das bei den von mir in der Vergangenheit verwendeten Maus-Modellen nicht immer so …
Logitech präsentiert die #Powerplay2: Ein #Mauspad mit Wireless-Charging für über 10 kompatible Mäuse. Die Neuauflage des Gaming-Zubehörs soll auch für zukünftige Modelle gerüstet sein. #Logitech #Gaming https://winfuture.de/news,149101.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Logitech Powerplay 2: Lade-Mauspad wird dünner, schneller und günstiger https://www.computerbase.de/news/maeuse/logitech-powerplay-2-lade-mauspad-wird-duenner-schneller-und-guenstiger.91511/ #Logitech
#Reddit (la comunidad) es increíble. ¿Existe algo allí sin tratar? He buscado mi problema con el ratón #G203 de #Logitech.
Resulta que el primer comentario funciona como magia: respirar en el botón. Encima otro pone una web para probar el ratón si hace doble clic de estos automáticos te lo registra. Increíble.
Logitech MX Keys S Unboxing & Hands On!
Wochenrückblick, Ausgabe 79 (2025-07)
Panorama-Software: die Suche geht weiter
OrbStack: ziemlich guter Ersatz für Docker Desktop
Hühner: Welcher Kälteschutz bei -13 ℃?
macai: All-in-one AI-Chat-App
Logitech MX Master 3S: neue Maus
#Wochenrückblick #Panorama #Panovolo #AutopanoGiga #Docker #OrbStack #Hühner #macai #AI #macOS #Logitech #Techno
Today I filed a #linux #kernel regression about #WINE performance with #logitech mice: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=219789
Sometimes I wonder if this sort of thing is really just me, or whether people just don't talk about/notice these sort of issues.
I guess the next step is to try to bisect it, hardware-specific bugs are always a pain to track down for upstream devs...
I need to get a new computer mouse, my Logi MX Master 3 is heavily stained, rubber crumbling and the battery is living is on its final breaths
From generation 1-3 the MX Master has been great, but with the same problem throughout: it stains horribly (regardless of colour).
While it's clear to me that I (apparently) have quite acidic sweat, I'm unsure how to account for it so that my mice don't look all yucky.
I have three requirements:
Thoughts @ fedi?