ein interessanter #longread, Leseempfehlung - über das Leben, Prioritäten, was wichtig ist.
Da denke ich noch eine ganze Weile drüber nach.
(h/t @WataruTenkawa_1 )

ein interessanter #longread, Leseempfehlung - über das Leben, Prioritäten, was wichtig ist.
Da denke ich noch eine ganze Weile drüber nach.
(h/t @WataruTenkawa_1 )
How Huawei’s lobbying campaign in Europe went rogue.
Once a high-flyer in Europe, Huawei’s growth stalled due to concerns over its ties with Beijing.
As the Chinese tech giant fought for survival, its EU lobbying campaign took a dark turn.
How Huawei’s lobbying campaign in Europe went rogue.
Once a high-flyer in Europe, Huawei’s growth stalled due to concerns over its ties with Beijing.
As the Chinese tech giant fought for survival, its EU lobbying campaign took a dark turn.
Acabo de terminar este #longread sobre Eliezer Yudkowsky, Ziz y una serie de asesinatos hechos por unas personas "muy inteligentes" que quieren salvarnos del apocalipsis de la IA
Muy interesante lectura
"We have a European ruling class which is haunted by fears that it doesn’t fully understand, and which have their ultimate origin in events it only ever studied superficially at school, if that."
Aurelien has an explainer: https://braveneweurope.com/aurelien-trying-to-understand-the-world
Many life-saving drugs fail for lack of funding. But there’s a solution: desperate rich people.
Each year, hundreds of potentially world-changing treatments are discarded because scientists run out of cash. But where big pharma or altruists fear to tread, my friend and I have a solution.
It’s repugnant, but it will work.
Many life-saving drugs fail for lack of funding. But there’s a solution: desperate rich people.
Each year, hundreds of potentially world-changing treatments are discarded because scientists run out of cash. But where big pharma or altruists fear to tread, my friend and I have a solution.
It’s repugnant, but it will work.
I've written a blog post about some of the services I self-host. Maybe you'd like to have a read before the weekend takes you away?
You can have a look at it over here https://blog.rune.pm/post/daily_drivers/
Pipeline release! nf-core/pacvar v1.0.1 - v1.0.1 - Sardine [3/6/2025]!
Please see the changelog: https://github.com/nf-core/pacvar/releases/tag/1.0.1
"Baker noted that "there's long been this very human-centric idea of intelligence that only humans are intelligent." That's fallen away within the scientific community as we've studied more about animal behavior. But there's still a bias to privilege human-like behaviors."
A #longread by @arstechnica about the #anthropocentric #bias of #AGI and #AI companies - money versus nature.
Charles Fain saß 18 Jahre unschuldig im #Gefängnis – und sein Schicksal ist kein Einzelfall. @buddepiept spricht in seinem #Longread über die systematischen Schwächen der #Forensik und zeigt deutlich, wie falsche Gutachten Leben zerstören können: #archiv https://www.riffreporter.de/de/wissen/dna-genetischer-fingerabdruck-forensik-gutachten-fehler-unschuldig-verurteilt-todeszelle
I do not now how to describe this story, it’s incredible… albeit weird and a must #longread.
“As LaSota articulated it, their goals had moved beyond real estate into a more grandiose realm. “We are trying to build a cabal,’ she wrote.”
The Delirious, Violent, Imposs...
Long read: How a peripheral state can leverage its wealth, strategic geography and alliances to exert outsized influence on regional and global affairs
"How the UAE can simultaneously be both a subject of imperialism and an agent of imperialist practices within its spheres of influence while challenging traditional imperialist actors": https://www.tni.org/en/article/the-emerging-sub-imperial-role-of-the-united-arab-emirates-in-africa
Inside Porton Down: what I learned during three years at the UK’s most secretive chemical weapons laboratory.
My research took me into the heart of the mystery, as I studied its extensive historical archive. The reality was not as I expected.
I came across no aliens, but I did discover records of experiments that ran from the ordinary, through to the bizarre. And sadly, in one isolated case, the lethal.
Dieser Post @dehypotheses ist ein #LongRead schönes Beispiel für #LinkedOpenStorytelling mit , eingebetteten
aus Commons, auch in den Metadaten https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q132529118 und demnächst SAXB @SLUBDresden. https://saxorum.hypotheses.org/12835
This one is worth a read on Presidents' Day:
‘Nothing good will come of this’.
Three years into the full-scale war, Russia’s exiled opposition is in crisis — leaving anti-war Russians feeling disillusioned and unrepresented.
‘Nothing good will come of this’.
Three years into the full-scale war, Russia’s exiled opposition is in crisis — leaving anti-war Russians feeling disillusioned and unrepresented.
‘Here lives the monster’s brain’: the man who exposed Switzerland’s dirty secrets.
Inspired by Che Guevara, Jean Ziegler has spent the past 60 years exposing how Switzerland enabled global wrongdoing. His enemies accuse him of treason.
Weekend #longread: Taking power, taking revenge: the asshole society strikes back.
Fascist assholes want to create a world where everyone is forced to act like an asshole, so the rest of us don’t remind them of their own abject failure to be human.
There’s no compromise with this.