Whale songs change with increase or decrease in food supply

Whale songs change with increase or decrease in food supply
The Ocean Census Discovers Over 800 New Marine Species
- Over 800 new species discovered
- 800+ scientists from 400+ institutions collaborating globally
- 10 Expeditions and 8 Discovery Workshops completed
Example Of Maps Used Well In A Media Article About Greenland
https://www.reuters.com/graphics/GREENLAND-ELECTION/MAPS/zjvqaeledvx/ <-- shared media article
[this post is NOT about geopolitics, rather the excellent use of multiple maps to illustrate the story / situation… so no text from the article itself...]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #cartography #media #reuters #greenland #projection #visualisation #education #presentation #NorthwestPassage #NorthernSeaRoute #ice #climatechange #seaice #thaw #melting #navigation #routing #shipping #transportation #geopolitics #strategic #military #NORAD #monitoring #naturalresources #mineral #oilandgas #rareearth #indigeneous #FirstNation #size #population #area #mapprojection #marine #glacier #ocean
A major ship collision in UK waters sparks fears of a toxic chemical leak.
Scientists fear a major collision between a cargo ship carrying sodium cyanide and a tanker transporting jet fuel in the UK’s North Sea could cause a huge leak of toxic chemicals into delicate marine habitats, with potentially devastating consequences for local wildlife.
CBS News: U.S.-flagged oil tanker, cargo ship in North Sea collision off coast of England, setting both vessels on fire
Oil tanker and cargo vessel collided and on fire in East Yorkshire, 10 miles off the coast of northern England.
Sea turtles at my workplace
Watching whales and birds work together in a feeding frenzy in the middle of the Pacific Ocean was legitimately the best and most amazing thing I ever saw (and that was only above water.. below would have been incredible)
Quebec marine park to nearly quadruple in size in effort to protect belugas
Federal and provincial governments announced the Saguenay-Saint-Laurent Marine Park could reach a total size of 4,500 square kilometres to help protect Quebec’s marine environment, including belugas, fin whales, blue whales, sea marshes and e...
#environment #wildlife #marine #government #Quebec #SaguenaySaintLaurent
Next time a bigot tells you queerness is against nature, show them this and said, whale actually
And then after they’ve composed themselves, tell them ‘you’re whalecome’
Bigots don’t deserve whales tho, even if they’re humpbacks humping
At the point in the world where I would rather watch hours of sea lion screaming than whatever else is on tv
"A team of Earth scientists, marine biologists, oceanologists and climate change specialists affiliated with multiple institutions in Australia and the U.K. is warning of the dangers associated with an increase in the number of marine heat waves in recent years".
#marine #heatwaves #climatechange
Free seminar by the Seattle Aquarium, March 6, on Ocean Ancients - kelp and animal fossils and underwater archaeology. "Five speakers will have five minutes each to fascinate the audience with their knowledge of long-lasting oceanic wonders."
More #introduction about our ZooCELL network.
We will do a lot of volume electron #microscopy #volumeEM focusing on sensory systems in marine #animals
We will combine this with single-cell #genomics, correlative LM/EM, #AI -based image segmentation and classification, and genetics
You can read more about the participating labs here:
We will post about events, projects etc. in the coming years.
If you like #zoology #evodevo #marine #biology follow/boost us!
The revised version of our #Platynereis #connectome paper is now out:
Cell-type-level annotation of the whole organisms, including synaptic and desmosomal connectomes. Can be explored with CATMAID here:
#larva #marine #neuroscience #vEM
What happens when whales die? Magic
The #NMEA standards, such as NMEA 0183, NMEA 2000, and OneNet, are crucial for ensuring seamless communication between #marine #electronics like #GPS receivers, autopilots, and sonar systems https://www.nmea.org/standards.html
"Melting ice sheets are slowing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the world's strongest ocean current, researchers have found. This melting has implications for global climate indicators, including sea level rise, ocean warming and viability of marine ecosystems".
#ocean #climatevariability #marine #ecosystems #Antarctic #icesheet #globalwarming