It's Saturday, and that means streaming! I'll be playing #Okami and talking about Japanese folklore and language, 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#Archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons

It's Saturday, and that means streaming! I'll be playing #Okami and talking about Japanese folklore and language, 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#Archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
Okami styled Commissions I did during NFC :>
Characters (c) their owners x3
# | #Art | #FurryArt | #Furry | #Okami | #Commissions
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore, language, and gaming on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EST.
#Archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
Saturday means stream-day! I'll be playing #Okami and talking Japanese folklore (and probably orthography) at 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#archaeogaming #histodons #antiquidons
Capcom's RE Engine is being used to power Clovers' upcoming Okami 2, which is being directed by Hideki Kamiya. #Okami
Oh hey, it's Saturday! It's time for more #okami ! I'll be playing it and talking about Japanese folklore, 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#antiquidons #archaeogaming #histodons
Okami 2 devs discuss their feelings on Okamiden and its place in Okami's Sequel:
Not much, apparently
Okami 2 devs can't comment on Switch 2, but Hideki Kamiya wants the Virtual Console to return:
Virtually impossible
Hideki Kamiya confirma la existencia del Kamiya-verse: #DevilMayCry, #Bayonetta, #Okami y todos sus juegos forman parte del mismo universo. LEER MÁS:
Kamiya says Bayonetta, DMC, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and The Wonderful 101 all share one universe:
The Kamiya Cinematic Universe
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EST.
#archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
The game I've been playing lately is Okami (HD).
The decision was inspired by a Let's Play series in progress by "Gaming Gato" on Youtube.
One of the managers at my workplace loves this game, and we're looking forward to the eventual release of the sequel that's in the works.
(カプコンメインアート図録) #Capcom #ArtBook #Booksky #Gaming #カプコン #StreetFighter #ResidentEvil #MonsterHunter #MegaMan #VideoGames #Onimusha #Okami #DevilMayCry #DeadRising #DragonsDogma #Book
Hideki Kamiya doesn't want people to play Okami on Wii:
Wii would like to know why
Despite everything, it's still Saturday, and that means it's time for my Ancient Gaming stream! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore at 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#antiquidons #archaeogaming #histodons
Okami creator reveals the original, very different plans for the series:
Leader of the pack
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore at 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#antiquidons #histodons #archaeogaming
New Artist announced for Field Day Festival London 2025
Added top 2 songs to the playlist Field Day Festival London 2025
Listen now on YouTube Music:
It's No-Bath Ammy!
#furry #furryart #okami #amaterasu