@LovesTha At state government level, I think it makes sense for transport, infrastructure, and planning to be handled by one agency.
That means a single department or agency, reporting into a single minister.
So Imagine there's a new urban renewal project or a new masterplanned community.
There'd one agency responsible for planning streets, density, land use, new railways, bus routes, roads, etc.
And in concert with other departments, it would also manage the location of other critical infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and parks.
There'd be a single long-term metro-wide or city-wide transport, urban development, and infrastructure plan.
Like in South Australia, there'd be a single statewide planning application portal. Look up any property, and you'll find any outstanding applications nearby.
Like NSW, there'd be an independent building commissioner. Thst office would be involved in the approvals process, and then be responsible for ensuring structures are built to plan.
And development applications would be made through thst department, rather than through local councils. Local councils and public consultation would be an input to that process.