Looking for some #goodnews? We have you covered! Good News is a special Feedle collection of stories of hope and progress: https://feedle.world/good-news. Of course, it comes with its own dedicated #RSS feed that anyone can subscribe to

Looking for some #goodnews? We have you covered! Good News is a special Feedle collection of stories of hope and progress: https://feedle.world/good-news. Of course, it comes with its own dedicated #RSS feed that anyone can subscribe to
@mikebabcock Your prejudice has led you to assume #Apple coined the term “#podcast” to co-opt it.
In fact, the term pre-dates their support. Ben Hammersley coined the term “podcasting” while covering audio #blogging for The Guardian in early February 2004: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2004/feb/12/broadcasting.digitalmedia
It was subsequently adopted by the #RSS audioblogging community, including @adam. Apple only added direct iTunes support in late June 2005.
@SheDrivesMobility Es gibt immer noch #RSS.
Aunque me gusta la app de #NintendoToday para seguir las noticias "directamente", es una lástima que la mayoría de la gente no sepa que esto ya era y sigue siendo posible usando lectores #RSS como #Feeder, porque a la gente solo se nos enseña a mamar lo que muestran las Big Tech y poco más.
Nintendo tiene su feed RSS en su web oficial, además de su canal de YouTube.
PD: Madre mía, qué mayor está Miyamoto.
Une nouvelle version de https://artfeed.org (lecteur Rss dédiéx aux images) est en ligne !
Elle apporte notamment :
- une nouvelle home (prémice des pages à venir)
- quelques retouches d'interface (déplacement de la gestion des feeds)
- les pages Profil !
Intéressons-nous à ce denier point : activez votre profil depuis les settings, remplissez votre bio et partagez vos likes, abonnements et photos issues de vos flux !
En espérant que ça vous plaise :)
Anyone know where there's a weather rss or web service to pull weather by zip code?
If there's one thing I hate more than websites that don't bother providing #RSS feeds at all any more, it’s websites that just lump all their articles into a single, uncategorised feed.
@holger_moller @Weltenkreuzer @istuetzle @researchbuzz habe diesen thread grad erst gefunden. bin an austausch zu #RSS auch interessiert! [z.b. fürs aktualisieren von https://prezi.com/p/1mxakbxl3efn/?present=1.]
Do you make godot written tutorials and have a blog with RSS? Send me your page so I can subscribe!
#Vivaldi ist ein anpassungsfähiger #Browser, der #Datenschutz und #Sicherheit priorisiert. Im Gegensatz zu #Chrome und #Edge verfolgt er keine #Nutzerdaten und bietet eingebaute Tools wie einen #RSS-Feed-Reader und ein E-Mail-Programm. Vivaldi ist ideal für Nutzer, die eine maßgeschneiderte Browser-Erfahrung suchen.
#BrowserTest #software #BoycottAmerica #freeware #boycottusa #it #pc #software #email #DataProtection #updates #news #itnews #computernews
my 'start using RSS again' approach was to not over think it and just install a good enough RSS reader (NetNewsWire in my case). Then whenever I find something interesting that looks like it might have a feed, look for the RSS icon or try visiting '/feed' or '/rss'
also, not worrying about keeping up with it all (which was a problem I had back in the Reader days)
Looking for some #goodnews? We have you covered! Good News is a special Feedle collection of stories of hope and progress: https://feedle.world/good-news. Of course, it comes with its own dedicated #RSS feed that anyone can subscribe to
Hello #FlossSocial!
I'm a developer in the #FLOSS community, I like turning my ideas into freely available code
I have worked on #fritter in the past, and now I am working on a modern #rss reader
How to get my blog updates in a feed that contains only what you want to see.
1) get a free RSS reader app. If you're on iOS, NetNewsWire and feeeed is good. on Android, feeder. On desktop; Lifrea or Fluent (there are many others).
2) copy paste this link:
3) Click "new" and paste it in your RSS reader.
4) you now receive a link to my blog posts with a short preview of what it's about, and a link to the full post.
#WintermuteBBS - that's my second, #Linux based #BBS running the #MBSEBBS software - is now #back #online !
I've updated MBSE BBS to the latest version 1.1.0 (this is a pre-release but I don't mind) and purged quite a bunch of inactive users.
There will be smaller updates and changes throughout the next weeks, as some of the #rss #feeds no longer work and will either be updated or removed (most likely the latter) .
With the code to support plain #ASCII terminals being rewitten in this new release, I will try to rework some of the ASCII screens - but this is may take some time.
I was looking for a cross platform, syncing RSS-newsreader.
It's in front of my dumb face. It's the NEWS app in nextcloud.
Een prima reden om het gebruik van RSS-feeds meer te promoten, zou ik zeggen.