Showed the kids #Tic80 today. Also brought my Vic-20 with my HDMI adapter to show the computer over the projector.
A couple of the students really spent a lot of time making art, a few others went back to Love2D to work on their cookie clicker.
Showed the kids #Tic80 today. Also brought my Vic-20 with my HDMI adapter to show the computer over the projector.
A couple of the students really spent a lot of time making art, a few others went back to Love2D to work on their cookie clicker.
I'll be joining the Monday Night Bytes stream from FieldFX in a few minutes!
#livecoding #tic80 #MondayNightBytes
@jtruk this short video illustrates the level of demand for a #ByteJamuary "how can i even #tic80 palette" edition, it's high
The jointed animations are looking a lot more refined. Poor guy looks to be really struggling out there in zero gravity - surprisingly realistic, I think?!
This is purely procedural (i.e. lots of sin functions driving it). Turning into a neat little engine!
(Tweaked the animation... it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane)
That was another fine #MondayNightBytes!
I made ridiculous code. Maybe channeling the #MAR10 64 intro screen?
#TIC80 #Livecoding #demoscene #creativecoding
#TIC80 web exports suffer _massive_ slowdowns when run on Firefox. What makes it even funnier (in an infuriating way) is that the slowdowns disappear as soon as you start recording the performances. A fucking heisenbug.
I just found a fix though, hidden in a seemingly unrelated issue: disabling vsync. Yay.
Long, long overdue: Prism Warriors now has a scrolling background for the main levels! Hopefully it suggests flying over a cityspace without being *too* minimalist.
Adding a WiringPi module to TIC-80's Python interpreter
This is a project that I worked on last weekend. TIC-80 is one of the most popular open source "fantasy consoles", imaginary retro-console emulators with IDE for code, sprites, maps and music. I show how to extend TIC-80's Python interpreter, pocketpy, to add GPIO access for the Raspberry Pi.
Edit: Just uploaded the code to github.
che bello scoprire che su youtube e' comparso un longplay di 3 ore di un mio videogioco, Turns of War per #tic80 :D
But, for instance, in the case of #tic80 there is currently no CPU limit: (2/2)
Enforce CPU and RAM limits · I...
K2MU - The Knifing!!!
A song I made for a game I made about 3 years ago, limited to only 4 channels, one of them used for game sfx.
now over at fieldfxdemo on twitch watching a little Tic80/shader jam with some ace music DJ'd by @gsuberland
#tic80 #demoscene #music #dj #dance
Oh no! Not more #ByteJam! Tomorrow night, 21:00 GMT, hosted by @reality404 with @gsuberland on the decks. Let's go! #demoscene #tic80 #livecoding #dj *can-can music plays*
I've just discovered by complete accident that Ctrl+Enter will instantly run your #TIC80 project without having to go to the console and type "run". I didn't know that! That should save me a little bit of time when playtesting.
It's Monday, it's time for Monday Night Bytes, hosted tonight by Havoc! 8pm GMT (soon after this post goes out) over on #demoscene #tic80 #glsl #dj #livecoding
Working on demo effects in #TIC80 with @Daffodil is very fun. I hope we'll have something we can show off soon.
Back from #mountainbytes - that was fun! Got to meet some nice new people, reconnect with people from the past and play around with #tic80. Also used a #tracker for the first time in almost 20 years.
Looking forward to next time!
Ye Nan Pu
Demolab release at #MountainBytes 2025 #demoscene event in #Switzerland made overnight with #TIC80