added a new background theme for late-game levels: empyrean
@MenacingMecha Here's an alt-text description of the video:
The video shows gameplay of a marble-rolling video game.
The game starts with a title card that says "STAGE ???" then "FUSILLI" appears below it.
The gameplay begins with the words "GO!!" appearing on the screen. The player controls a pearl-like marble that rolls down a twisting track. The track has a checkered pattern and is surrounded by a pale yellow background with a wooden fence visible in the background. The marble collects red diamond-shaped gems as it moves. A small window in the upper right corner of the screen shows a top-down view of the marble's progress on the track.
The display shows the time remaining, which decreases as the marble progresses. It also displays the marble's speed.
Once the marble reaches the end, "GOAL!!" flashes across the screen. The marble then appears to float upwards, and the video ends.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
@MenacingMecha I see a wishlist link, I poke. Looking fantastic, can't wait to get my hands on the release! It has been a joy watching this grow from a small camera feel test into what it is today. Very excited to see how all this turns out.
@MenacingMecha The composite video effect on this is
@slembcke not composite, horizontal gaussian blur on top of dithering to try and recreate N64 video out
@MenacingMecha Yup, the limits of composite video signals is why a lot of old games looked the way they did. Lots of horizontal smearing and ringing caused by high frequency details in the underlying signal. Looks great! :D