Creating dialogs from code with vanilla Win32 is an experience.
Just getting this stupid dialog to show has taken way more time than I'd like to admit. I understand why everything is just using MessageBox.
@SonnyBonds Are you using actual in-memory DLGTEMPLATEs in code, or doing the window layout yourself?
@shdon Creating an in-memory DLGTEMPLATE from code. Currently looking into making it use a sensible font and apparently that is a whole other can of worms as well.
@SonnyBonds Oh god, yeah, I feel your pain then. At least I can suggest using the dialog editor in a Visual Studio IDE and examining the .rc file. It really helps to see the textual description.
@shdon Yeah I should probably just have used the editor to start with. Not too late.
@shdon Hah, made a test app with the dialog editor and that gave me these sexy bois:
@shdon Strangely enough it's got a modern design in the editor, just the old look when actually running.
@SonnyBonds That probably means you don't have a manifest embedded.
@shdon Yeah. Strange though because it's just a default VS Windows Desktop Application project.
Anyway, I think I'm up and running with doing it from code and I get an acceptable look there. Just need to layout the thing.