I had a few updates queued up for my Remote Work blog post, so I published the 2025 edition: https://taffer.ca/posts/2025/remote/
Hope that helps! Let me know if I've missed any search sites or good companies!
@Taffer Oh thank you so much for the nice lists :) Do you know about https://www.remoterocketship.com ?
@duthils I didn’t, thanks!
@Taffer Remote.co is another which should be labelled as a paid service. 2.95 USD for 14 days, 9.95 monthly rate for 3 months, 5.95 monthly rate for a year. Cost is presented after you have already entered an email address and chosen a password for an account.
@JTO_is_Typing I’ll update the post, thanks!
@Taffer Nice, thanks for putting this together. Not sure if they'd fit your criteria, but both my current and past two employers are remote-first:
* Hetzner Cloud (Germany only): https://hetzner-cloud.de/en#jobs
* EnterpriseDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com/careers
* Percona: https://www.percona.com/about/careers
@lenzgr awesome, thanks! Basically any company that broadly supports remote work, with an extra for remote first companies. I’ll add these!
@Taffer awesome, thank you!