@Drusenija Panic-crafted a caster and a healing set on Saturday to help my BF's static with gear for flexing a role (SCH to SMN) and getting a substitute up and running (a friend who plays WHM), felt drained but accomplished afterwards.
Nearly got my alt through Dawntrail and managed to cap the weekly tomes after I hit 100 just a few hours before my bedtime, before weekly reset.
Oooh, I’ve been there for panic crafting gear Similar situation, we had someone drop out of a Savage static and had someone who could fill the spot but they weren’t geared up for it. So I crafted the gear, another friend who was fairly involved in the hunt train scene and had materia to burn handled pentamelding it all and I think we had them geared up in under an hour. (Sadly that static fell apart before we cleared our first fight, but oh well).
Well done on capping your weeklies too In the grand scheme of things it’s probably not going to hurt much if you don’t but it’s always a good feeling to have them maxed out.