Hi Internet! I'm Drew and THIS IS MY FACE.
If this GIF has ever brought you joy in the past, I humbly ask you to consider making a donation to the National MS Society. It would mean a lot to me and to those I know affected by the disease!
Donate at https://BlinkingGuy.com
@drewscanlon I doubt you remember, but we actually met way back in the day when I was at Icrontic and you were at Giant Bomb, I think it might have been E3 or some press junket, I don't recall.. But I DO remember when the meme came out, I was like "I KNOW THAT GUY"
@drewscanlon this is once again when I say I always thought this was Cary Elwes.
@jodmentum @drewscanlon oh God I just made this joke too
@drewscanlon Thanks Drew. I was just diagnosed with MS and I appreciate you doing this!
Aww yes, Drew is tootin - Gonna donate now.
Ten years ago I had never heard of MS and just this month a second friend has been diagnosed with this disease. You're a great (blinking white) guy for doing this.
@drewscanlon Okay, this will be weird, but here goes..
You look exactly like my high school boyfriend. You two could've been twins.
And I'll leave now.
@drewscanlon love to see you put your internet Fame to good use
oh you were great in Princess Bride too
@drewscanlon Thank you. My dad is suffering from MS.