I made a Mac productivity app!
…puts a command bar underneath your Finder windows and lets you use natural language to convert media, manage files, perform calculations and more!
@joethephish Started testing this last night – love the idea! Wish that I could provide my own API keys as well as save "presets" for frequent commands.
@viticci thanks Federico!!
Literally when listening to recent episodes of Connected and AppStories I was thinking you would probably want that... and so it's err... no coincidence that it's what I'm working on right now
(I was going to message you when I was done but I guess you found me first! )
@joethephish Ha! Love it. This is great – and down the road, I guess it'd be nice to set rules for different file types=models, like run a specific model based on file size, filename, file type, etc.
@viticci ooh interesting, nice idea, hadn’t thought about that one. Love it