A concept in economics that doesn't get nearly enough airtime is: the diminishing marginal utility of money. Succinctly: the more units of money you've got, the less adding another such unit does—the added value of any one unit drops very steeply.
Over about $200M (personal orbital tourism? Megayacht? Your own tropical island?) there are no more experiences/luxuries that money can buy you. (And over $50M there are very few—bizjet, luxury mansion.)
@cstross In terms of personal expenses, I could plausibly "consume" $300k for my own flat, and then maybe $30k per year for a comfortable lifestyle.
In terms of ambitions, I always wanted to run my own gamedev studio, so that would be something like $2-3M per year (I prefer to work with smaller games).
Funding stipends for my fellow leftwingers so they can do politics full-time could plausibly eat up about $10M per year, if I wanted to cover the whole country.
And that's about it, I think.