Well, I got sidetrack, but hey, this is what is coming out of it. Its a single stick, score attack game on an Akira elevator which is a one way trip to redemption. As always, made in pico8
@lokistriker Looks fun! How long did it take you to make it?
@Scarlov Well, before this I was working on an auto-battler, and around the 25th of January, I did a rough test of a single stick project, different art. Since then, like 3 weeks ago, I got the artstyle/theme down. So, basically one month for the code and 3 weeks for the art.
@lokistriker I see. It's interesting to learn about rough timescales from real projects since I have not much experience to approximate myself. Thanks!
@Scarlov well, this definitely has previous experience aiding the development. Taking longer is completely normal as well. Its all about what you are trying to do, and how far is it from every other thing you've done before. If you are starting out, don't push yourself to race against time.