I've been struggling to figure out what to do with my life on a creative level. On one hand I like to make video games, but I also like to draw comics. Sometimes I think that having a YouTube channel would be a good idea, and sometimes I think that maybe I should just write down my mind on a blog instead.
I don't know if I should be more active locally as a comic artist or game developer, both communities where I lost all connections here where I live, or I should just focus my efforts on joining an online community, where nobody knows me and no one is expecting anything from me, so I can start over.
Should I do my work in Spanish, or English? My first language is Spanish, so it's the language I supposedly dominate. But when I think creatively my brain thinks in English, because it's the language I consume most of my media now on social networks or YouTube.
Also I believe Spanish is a super hard language to dominate, it has so much beauty and flow, such ways to portray things and elaborate phrases that It's almost overwhelming for me.
But English opens doors in the online communities, so.