Heey! Here's my #introduction! I'm Johannes, been living in #Berlin since '03.
Worked #LevelDesign & #GameDesign in AAA #Gamedev for 8+ years
'14 co-founded @maschimensch with @riadd
'15 co-founded www.saftladen.berlin with @riadd & @studiofizbin
Traveled world & did lots of #GameJam with Goethe Institute eg in Athens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJLk8vG89G4
Work @maschimensch include CEO, #ArtDirection #CuriousExpedition & #GameDirection on new IP
Supporting schools & marginalized groups where I can
@8bitbeard @maschimensch @studiofizbin Lovely to have you guys here, loved #CuriousExpedition! Had the pleasure to listen to a talk @riadd gave at Play Festival Hamburg back in ‘19.