@thomasfuchs oh! Look at the size of it!
This is EASILY a RasPi, cheap small screen, and 3D printed case stuff!
@JoshuaACNewman @thomasfuchs @me_
I somehow can't imagine that anyone *really* wants to use a machine with such a small screen, especially when it's not a handheld device
@Doomed_Daniel @thomasfuchs @me_
Yeah, I gotta say, that looks like an ergo nightmare.
@JoshuaACNewman @thomasfuchs @me_
yeah, totally - and I guess the Apple Lisa had the same problem, see e.g. the guy on https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apple_Computer,_1983_(Lisa).jpg
might look halfway comfortable right now, but using the keyboard would make him look like a monkey :-D
(and the alternative is putting the computer lower so he'd be staring down like the lady on your picture)
@Doomed_Daniel @thomasfuchs @me_ yep. The floating monitor stands of today are much better. They go where your eyes point while your hands go where your hands rest.