Do you like immersive sims? Do you like #GameDev? Do you like #GodotEngine? Well good news for you, we're working on an Imsim Toolkit add-on for Godot, and we wanna hear your thoughts and suggestions!
@Fenreliania Sounds like it might not be too hard to make it 2D/3D agnostic. Well, maybe the character controller would be harder, but the core tag system sounds pretty free in that respect.
@albey Yes! Everything else is intentionally meant to be as agnostic of things like 2D/3D as possible. The character controller is definitely pretty 3D-focused, and probably first-person focussed, which actually might be a good argument against focusing on it.
@Fenreliania Oh very interesting!
Would love for y'all to check out my Immersive Sim project template COGITO ( )
We have the basis for a lot of the systems you describe in place (though our approach is probably a bit different, and as usual: there's different ways to create similar features)
@philipdrobar I think we saw a video on this while we were looking around to see if anyone else had made something! We definitely wondered whether our plans had too much overlap, but as you say, approaches can differ a lot, and I think our approach should be fairly different to yours.
@Fenreliania What're we immersing people in? Is it an easily escaped vat of dangerous substance? Muahahaha