I just realized i left the watermark of the original menus/parkour meme in the bottom left hand corner... Not sure if thats a mistake...
Update: added my own username alongside a hat tip to the original.
Attribution matters.
Since this post is apparently getting boosted a lot and may eventually end up in front of the developers of the named games, you should know that I adore all these games and 100%ed all but one of them.
(I am not big brain enough for the later stages of Baba is You)
@The4thCircle Thanks. This just moved into my head and will live rent-free in there forever
I love and yet simultaneously hate this.
(The third panel The Witness bit is genius observation, completely accurate and also the opposite of any knee-jerk assumption.)
It was rattling around in my head for weeks before I finally made this picture.
Well I'm very glad you did, even though it seriously messed with my head!