Our first game is 50% off on Itch right now! We keep more revenue from itch and it's DRM free, so if you are tempted, support us and itch!
@collegefungames happy to take a look... was any thought put into #accessibility, by chance?
@zersiax Yes, but we discovered that most of the accessibility features we wanted to add (scene and dialogue description voiceovers, controller support) weren't supported by the engine we were using So for our next game we are changing engine
@collegefungames ahh, that is unfortunate. I'm a blind content creator/streamer who, among other things, covers accessibility in video games, would it be helpful for you lot if I went through it and point out what I'm seeing could be improved/is already pretty good on stream some time?
@zersiax Would love to hear this! Was hoping to make this work for a visually impaired friend, but wasn't possible. Had already recorded audio descriptions for each scene, and since the only game actions are choosing dialogue, wanted a way to choose them with a controller, and have them read when highlighted before selecting. Any other suggestions would be awesome as we want to have these and more in our next game!
@collegefungames Actions might be "cheatable" using a screen reader technique called OCR and mouse emulation provided the choices are textually visible, I'll have to play around with it. What engine are you working with?
@zersiax Visionnaire, and hasn't worked for the screen readers I'm aware of... :(