hey folks, the free, public domain font I've maintained/updated for 7 years recently got review bombed by some weirdos on itch
wasn't a huge crisis, but it's a lousy start to an already rough year
so if you like my work, I'd appreciate a cool comment or review on it
@datagoblin wow that's a pretty font. full of nostalgia and pleasant to read
@LucyG thanks a lot!
Short version: Great font! I'll be sure to write a review soon! Have you ever considered adding 'ỽ' and '⁊'?
Would it be possible to add '⁊' (U+204A) and 'ỽ' (U+1EFD)?
It is a lovely font! And if those two characters would be there as well it would be perfect. (Most neat fonts do not have them. Possibly because they are quite specific, but I occassionally use them and it sucks having a very limited number of fonts to work with then.)
Still the font is great! (I'll place a positive review even if ⁊ and ỽ are never added, but if they are added, I will be so much more excited.)
@storydragon thank you! Yes, I can add those for sure. I'll get on that when I have some free time, and let you know when an update is up!
@datagoblin Hey! This font is amazing!
I really like reading Serif fonts, and monospaced Serfis are... rare.
I really like how you can not easily confuse characters like 1li, 0Oo, etc.
Does a "struck" 7 fit in with your vision for the font? That one always seems to be hard to find, haha.
Also, how do you feel about the font being packaged for an operating system like Alpine Linux?
@Brett_E_Carlock thank you!
Do you mean just the numeral 7 with a slash through it (pic attached)? I'd be fine adding it in, but unless I'm mistaken, it doesn't seem to have its own Unicode code point, and I don't think I would like to replace the default 7 character.
As for bundling it with an OS, I'd be all for it! The font itself is CC0, so feel free to include it wherever, without any licensing concerns.
@datagoblin You're welcome!
I now know where I have seen that font before, so that is cool :)
Yes, that exactly! Ah, okay, most folks do not prefer that 7, but I do. Understandable it can't replace default.
Ooh, awesome! I'll see about packaging it some time.
Another question: Do you know of a fork that has it compiled for consolefont/boot font usage?
I think it would look awesome as OpenRC runs through setup and into the CLI.
@Brett_E_Carlock I do like that version of the 7 too! In fact, it is already the default in the italic subfamily! (pic below)
Sorry, I don't know of a fork for consolefont/bootfont. I've had people mention they use monogram for their terminals, but never in that specific scenario.
@datagoblin Oooh, so clean!
Perhaps I can figure it out. Just another thing to learn haha :P
@Brett_E_Carlock let me know if I can support you in any way!
Sweet! That's such a kind offer.
I may ping you when I take a look.
@datagoblin I already rated it a year or so ago but I just want to say that monogram is my go-to pixel font for games! I love it!
@dthompson thank you so much! Glad you enjoy it!
I think its a wonderful font, this is professional work ready tool for designers.
@kevinrns thanks a lot!
No problem, I do obvious pretty well.
@datagoblin beautiful font. Do you happen to do ligatures?
@dmetzgar I haven't yet, but that's an interesting idea. I'll look into how hard that'd be to integrate on my workflow.
Any specific ligatures you would like to see implemented?
@datagoblin I use monospace fonts like Fira Code for coding. The ligatures I use the most are ==, ->, !=, ++, 0x, >=, <=
@dmetzgar nice, thanks for the list! Fira Code also seems like a nice template to refer to.
The characters themselves seem simple enough, but my current workflow doesn't allow me to do ligatures. I can't promise support for that in the near future, but I would definitely like to implement it at some point.
@datagoblin oh wow, this is just what I’ve been looking for. I’ll download after work. Thank you so much for sharing.
@mauvedeity thank you, hope you like it!
@datagoblin I don't have an Itch.io account but I would like to say it's a cool font!