Daikon and I will be #streaming #HappyHour tonight from 9PM JST! The show is a #Japanese and English bilingual stream introducing some cool #IndieGames we found. Come hang out and find new stuff to play!
Today's games:
Beetle Tower by @Doot, @Zakku, Nipa & Turbogros https://dodoot.itch.io/beetles-tower
GO BLO by Denis Kazantsev https://kazantsev.itch.io/go-blo
Groblin Survivors by @FartFish and @cardboardmoon https://fartfish.itch.io/groblin-survivors
Tiny Colony by @mreliptik, Pierre Scheuer, and Myriam Frey https://mreliptik.itch.io/tiny-colony
Please check out these cool and awesome #IndieGames!!
@indietsushin DID SOMEONE SAY