I made a Mac productivity app!
…puts a command bar underneath your Finder windows and lets you use natural language to convert media, manage files, perform calculations and more!
@joethephish Started testing this last night – love the idea! Wish that I could provide my own API keys as well as save "presets" for frequent commands.
@viticci thanks Federico!!
Literally when listening to recent episodes of Connected and AppStories I was thinking you would probably want that... and so it's err... no coincidence that it's what I'm working on right now
(I was going to message you when I was done but I guess you found me first! )
@viticci Also 100% agreed on the presets ideas - it's on my list! I have two ideas in mind:
1) Auto-completion based on recent history
2) Probably you're suggesting: caching the response of the AI so that commands can be executed again immediately for different files
@joethephish @viticci Hello! I've been checking this out today too. One thought on presets would be defining certain phrases to be translated into certain parameters. For example, defining “Resize image for website" using “for website" to know that that means a proportionately resized image that is 1400 pixels wide.
@johnvoorhees @viticci awesome, really happy to hear you’ve been trying it too John!
And yeah! I was thinking of allowing you to define a personal “system prompt” with this type of stuff, or possibly even per-folder/project settings.
@joethephish @viticci Excellent! I need to spend more time with Substage, but I like what I've seen so far a lot.
@johnvoorhees @viticci thank you! just let me know if run into any issues or have any more ideas, it’s still early days and I’m open to feedback, especially from you lot!
@joethephish And yes, both of these sound great too!