I made a Mac productivity app!
…puts a command bar underneath your Finder windows and lets you use natural language to convert media, manage files, perform calculations and more!
@joethephish Very cool. Beautiful website and onboarding as well. I made myself a similar thing for the command line, but selecting the files in a GUI plus better feedback and risk assessment is a lot nicer, well done.
Quite different than text-to-commandline, but something like this would be neat for the settings app, to at least find stuff with natural language, since it's a mess and the search doesn't work. Maybe one could get to the contents with the Accessibility API.
@combatwombat thank you, glad you like it!
And yeah, something like this for Settings would be great! I suspect you wouldn’t even need Accessibility API, just a very richly described database that maps to deep link URLs that could open the settings app in the right place?