A thread for my "Indoor Solar" project.
My apartment lacks a balcony, but I couldn't wait to start experimenting with solar panels. I "sandwiched" an 80 watt Renogy (12V) panel between 2 paynes of a glass window, and connected it to a Bluetti EB3A. The window in question is often covered due to the extremely bright sun.
At best, during a sunny day I can get 30-35 watts of power generation, or over 40% of the panel's rating. IMO that's really good.
@mikekasprzak This inspired me to look into a potential option like this myself. How much did this approximately cost?
@robinaite I bought both during a summer sale. 80W Panel was $80 CAD, and the EB3A power station was $310 CAD, so just under $400 CAD (or under $300 USD). Black Friday deals might end up cheaper. I would recommend getting the biggest panel if you can fit one. I should be upgrading to a 100W panel myself.