For some strange reason, I'd like to integrate ImGui in my game engine despite not needing it... mumble mumble...
@mode13h do it! You'll find some use for it later
@oldschoolpixels Ooooh, c'mon...
... you were all supposed to help me out, and not pushing me down the cliff!!!
@mode13h it could be worse: I decided to rewrite my (perfectly serviceable) OpenGL integration from scratch, and next thing I know I'm adding Vulkan as an additional renderer...
@apicici Don't start me on that...
... I have Vulkan support in my TODO list since al least two years.
I'm at the verge of ditching my (working and optimized) software renderer with *real* OpenGL support (which I've been only using as a way to present data to the framebuffer) and I have fear of what I'll end up doing...
( multi-rendere support? Probably... )