Gimp hits 3.0!!!
This version comes 21 years after the release of version 2.0. Gimp 3.0 began development in ~2018.
A long road to implementing GTK 3.0, modernizing its architecture, and adding exciting new features!
¡Gimp 3.0!
Esta versión llega 21 años después del lanzamiento de la versión 2.0, Gimp 3.0 comenzó a desarrollarse en ~2018.
Un largo camino hacia la implementación completa de GTK 3.0 y así modernizar su arquitectura y ¡añadir nuevas y jugosas características!
#floss #opensource #gimp #softwarelibre
@rafalagoon really hope its getting easier to use not more complicated...
@wordmark It needs to have a lot of users to get a lot of UX so they can improve the "easyness".
This update is to improve technologically... but also adding new features.
Let's see if its easier!!
@wordmark @rafalagoon the beta was very nice, when my grandfather tried it before he married.