After getting used to AGS 3.6.0, I now find it really confusing to work with AGS 2.7.2 again. Funny enough, 15 years ago, it was the other way around with the new UI design of the earlier AGS 3.x.x versions.
@ramon_wilhelm The nostalgia is hitting hard!
@JohannaMakesGames *bonk*
Ouch! Now it hit me really hard.
@ramon_wilhelm Is AGS the same thing that AGT was back in the day?
@chrisamoody what is AGT?
@ramon_wilhelm I should have checked before, agt was for making games for bbs'
@chrisamoody Sorry, I'm more confused.
What is bbs now? Did you mean the file agt?
@ramon_wilhelm A BBS was what most of us (in the US anyways) used before the Internet was a house hold thing.