@skaarjslayer Wow! That looks great.
I assumed that it was going to be locked to 90° movements like a classic dungeon crawler, but no the movement is fully 3d.
Super impressive stuff!
@skaarjslayer hum… neat but why would you need swept aabb when you can have raycasting (since the world is a grid)?
@skaarjslayer if not clear - shape/shape collision detection is equivalent to point/(shape+shape) collision
in a aabb+grid case it means the grid size is now inflated by aabb size - a regular raycasting loop can now work as usual
@fsouchu ah, I think what you're describing is what I am doing. I'm not doing aabb/aabb, I'm using Swept AABB with Minkowski sum which is basically point/(aabb+aabb). That's what's happening here.
@fsouchu I might just be using the wrong phrase for it, but in the places I was reading point/(aabb+aabb) was referred to simply as "swept aabb" or "swept aabb with minkowski sum". I'll edit the post to make that clearer.