We were so close :(
We were defeated in the final scenario of the Path to Carcosa campaign (Dim Carcosa) in Arkham Horror. We almost beat Horace the Unmentionable though - it was the last turn before the final agenda flipped, we had H down to zero health, we just needed to "know the secret" to defeat him and we figured we knew where to find that, but it was heavily defended. But some unlucky draws from the bag and bad encounter cards foiled us at the end - we had one clue to reveal and we could have got him but we didn't make it. So the realm of Carcosa merged with the realm of Earth, and Horace (well, I guess I can actually say Hastur now) rules them both.
Still, I think Jacqueline Fine and William Yorick gave it a good college try, and we did really well across the whole campaign - though at the end we both ended up with a LOT of negative sanity! But alas, we too have joined the despairing inhabitants of Carcosa, doomed to wander the shifting streets of the city forevermore... #boardgames #arkhamHorror