"Puttin' on the Riiiiiiiiiiiiitz" #YoungFrankenstein #cinema #Comedy #movies #OddMood
"Puttin' on the Riiiiiiiiiiiiitz" #YoungFrankenstein #cinema #Comedy #movies #OddMood
Without saying your age, what is the biggest film, and/or your favourite film from the year of your birth?
I am Exorcist years old, and love The Three Musketeers!
Video streaming services launch industry association in Brazil
#politics #brazil #economy #television #cinema https://valorinternational.globo.com/business/news/2025/03/12/video-streaming-services-launch-industry-association-in-brazil.ghtml?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=compartilhar
Je n'arrive plus à lire de la SF dystopique / post-apo parce que je n'ai plus la force de supporter à quel point tout ce qu'ils annoncent est déjà là.
L'une des voix les plus puissantes et visionnaires de la barbarie capitaliste est bien JG.Ballard dans High-Rise :
Sometimes he found it difficult not to believe that they were living in a future that had already taken place, and was now exhausted.
#Capitalisme #Barbarie
Top 10 des entrées hebdo France
du 05 au 11 mars 2025
(𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘹𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘺)
Très attendu, le compte-rendu de l'audition de Jean Dujardin, Gilles Lelouche ou encore Pierre Niney par la commission d'enquête sur les violences dans le cinéma devrait arriver "début de semaine prochaine", selon mes infos. Et pour cause, les intéressés ont témoigné à huis clos. "Il y a eu l'expression d'un début de prise de conscience" sur les violences dans le secteur, me confie un membre de la commission. Mieux vaut tard que jamais...
Les stars de cinéma et les pubs : pourquoi y'en a marre - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lliap0ovyY
> Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron, George Clooney, Marion Cotillard, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicole Kidman... A peu près toutes les stars y passent : les publicités pour des marques de parfum, de vêtement, de téléphone, de boisson etc. C'est devenu la norme, tout comme leurs salaires hallucinants. Mais n'y a-t-il pas quelque chose de délirant là-dedans ?
Immagino sia difficile per #AngelinaJolie trovare ruoli per sé: è #toomuch. Troppo bella, troppo impegnata, troppo ricca, con troppi figli etc. Probabilmente è anche per questo che si sta indirizzando sempre più verso la regia. Ma questo film potrebbe essere la sua ultima grande interpretazione, per come è riuscita a trascendere dall'aspetto fisico per diventare voce (non la sua chiaramente). Che poi la vita di #MariaCallas possa specchiarsi in un melodramma ça va sans dire #cinema #music
A staff member marks seats for social distancing at a movie theatre in Jakarta, # Indonesia, October 21, 2020. REUTERS/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana
Cinematic Mood
Listening to John Williams … #WednesdayMotivation #NowPlaying #film #music #cinema #FilmSky
a woman in a white jacket is t...
d: Mitchell Leisen
scr: Preston Sturges
In Christmastime romance, Barbara STANWYCK & Fred MacMURRAY discover that love redeems AND corrupts.
Also in cast: Beulah Bondi, Elizabeth Patterson.
In a Lonely Place (1950)
Wow this is wild. It looks like a Daniel Clowes parody of a movie poster. Can it really be contemporary? Also was there some kind of "use all your fonts by the end of the fiscal year or lose them" type deal going on?
Why does #cinema work , Across the income groups ?
Bradley Barker (January 18, 1883 – September 29, 1951) was an American actor and film director of the silent era. He also created sound effects for film and radio.
Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_Barker
Hobart Bosworth (August 11, 1867 – December 30, 1943) was an American film actor, director, writer, and producer. Bosworth began his career in theater, eventually transitioning to the emerging film industry.
Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobart_Bosworth
https://www.europesays.com/1908170/ disponibile con abbonamento aggiuntivo a €9,99 al mese #4K #999 #a #abbonamento #aggiuntivo #AL #Apple #Cinéma #DAZN #diretta #disponibile #HD #Italia #italy #live #mese #News #notizie #Now #Palinsesti #prime #sbarca #Sky #Sport #Streaming #tv #video
"Spinal Tap II: The End Continues" will rock and roll into theaters on September 12, following the 41st Anniversary release of the newly restored original this Summer.
Disney live-action movies are often accompanied by grand fanfare, but that's not happening for "Snow White." @Gizmodo explains why Disney is scaling back the movie's launch. "It’s beginning to feel like just another thing Disney has rolled back on to capitulate to conservatives, not unlike Pixar’s 'Win or Lose' trans storyline erasure," writes Sabina Graves.
From the soundtrack of 'Kinetta' (Lanthimos, 2005)
#cinema #soundtrack #lanthimos #movies #music #songs #greece
From the soundtrack of 'Kinetta' (Lanthimos, 2005)
#cinema #soundtrack #lanthimos #movies #music #songs #greece