The fireside RP this is week is great. The barbarian is a werewolf, my cleric is a werewolf. Barbarian player doesn't know my cleric is a werewolf as out of game I've said ZERO about it (on purpose), in-game the hints have been double sided easily misinterpreted as something else going on (PTSD, and her cover story is as being part of a faction that participated in the Silver Purge)
And we're at a point where the Barbarian (in-chacter) has unintentionally caused cracks in my Cleric's facade, and its about to cause her to lose the control she's been having to self medicate to maintain.
(I'll also be glad as after the reveal I can mostly drop her asshole persona she puts on as part of the facade... It takes a lot of energy to keep consistent pretending to be an smirking asshole)
Enjoyed my group's Sunday evening session of #Eberron. Roaming the rat markets. Combat on a sewer platform. Some exploration, some delving. Then the party adopted a goblin Del Boy.
I wanted #Eberron gnomes who weren't defined by their nation's secret police. (Canon Eberron has pro-police sentiments fr.)
So I decided they must've created a penal colony at some point. I sited it in Lhazaar, decided it would've declared independence during the war,
and now there's an anarcho-capitalist island nation off my Eberron's Khorvaire's coast because obviously anarcho-capitalist gnomes will be an improvement
#PennedPossibilities 606 — Is your MC keeping any secrets? Can you tell us more without giving away any spoilers?
Nymeria has been hiding that she's a werewolf for the last 36 years, and masquerading as a Silver Pyre mercenary who are a quasi off-shoot/parallel group of the Silver Flame (yes the same bastards that carried out the genocide of her people).
She killed Jopaul (member of The Pure Flame who created the Feral Plague) 11years ago, and used the on going war between the kingdoms to quietly track down & destroy his remaining research whether or not it was even related to the how he created the Feral Plague.
So yeah, she's got massive secrets...
If warforged can benefit from potions then someone somewhere— likely a warforged— will have invented a cheap potion that can get them drunk.
The new Artificer Cartographer subclass has just been revealed in the latest D&D Unearthed Arcana Playtest. We map out all its key features. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #dnd2024 #eberron #artificer #wizardsofthecoast #wotc #ttrpg #cartographer
Third #Eberron session was a blast. Annoyingly I made a couple of rookie GM errors due to a lapse in concentration, but my players seemed not to mind. Despite this, the murder was solved, and now the PCs have turned their attention to delving for loot.
After talking to one NPC who believes the Lord of Blades is a power-mad supremacist, one of my players started calling the warforged cult leader, "Steel-on Musk."
In my #Eberron the language Giant is as much a language of arcane magic as Draconic if not more
After all how much high arcana must have been brought back from Xen'drik, advancing the state of arcane magic? The Cul'sir Empire was magitech before the Five Nations ever were and there's definitely been tech transfer there. And all of it written in Giant
I can't accept Droaam as written. I find the basic nation idea implausible and can't let it go.
This being #Eberron I've taken artistic liberty to remake it as a Mirkwood-like sibling to Eldeen, so it's okay
Similar issue w/Sarlona. I can't accept how the plane Dal Quor is supposed to work. So nothing about Riedra works for me. Gotta overhaul that too.
I'll reject an entire continent of canon if I can't suspend disbelief about one premise. Shit has got to make sense.
Great first play session of #Eberron.
Running my group through a modified version of The Forgotten Forge. Stole some ideas from Gumshoe and tried to make the adventure less linear. Players had a great time riding the skycoaches around Sharn flashing their temporary deputization IDs about the place.
Reading over all these thematic 3e #Eberron prestige classes makes me think
What I should do is take existing supplement-book subclasses, or good 3rd-party ones, and reskin to make them Eberron flavored
like reskin the Gloom Stalker Ranger as the Gloaming-bound Ranger fr'ex
so players have setting-thematic character options right in front of them. One might opt for gloaming-bound for the heck of it but later learns more abt the Gloaming and gets drawn into the lore.
Dungeons & Dragons is heading back to the lands of Khorvaire with a new book entitled "Eberron: Forge of the Artificer." We piece together all the details. #dnd #dnd5e #dnd2024 #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonsanddragons5e #dungeonmaster #eberron #wizardsofthecoast #wotc #ttrpg
Neues Eberron Buch für 2025 angekündigt
Im August soll "Eberron: Forge of the Artificer" erscheinen. In der 5e hat man seitens WotC seit 2019 nichts mehr aus dem Eberron-Setting gesehen (Eberron: Aufstieg aus dem letzten Krieg) und zwischenzeitlich hat @hellcowkeith zwei Bücher auf eigene Faust veröffentlicht (Exploring Eberron, Chronicles of Eberron), von daher eine sehr überraschende Ankündigung.
In #Eberron there's literally two canon floating buildings, plus an entire floating neighborhood made out of solidified cloud, and the creator tries to argue it's not a high-magic setting
(Arcanix and the Tower of the Twelve; and Skyway in Sharn.)
For adventurers and explorers in Xen'drik, the Last Chance inn is, as the name says, the last chance to get a good night's sleep and healing before going into the wilds and, for some, their last chance upon returning.