#wisdom #permaculture #onpoli #cdnpoli #environment I struggle with manifesting this, but in my heart, I know it to be true. #lifegoals https://youtu.be/quO6zG16WG0?si=sEn3GbnGxlYARcra
#wisdom #permaculture #onpoli #cdnpoli #environment I struggle with manifesting this, but in my heart, I know it to be true. #lifegoals https://youtu.be/quO6zG16WG0?si=sEn3GbnGxlYARcra
@Tami so hart auf dem Balkon furzen, das selbst der Nachbar 2 Balkone weiter noch angewidert das Gesicht verzieht
I went to a wedding and an afterparty in my kilt. The DJ intern and the greeter said they liked the kilt. I feel completely vindicated. I am older than the two of them combined.
I also used to be an NYC neighborhood character in the same kilt. #LifeGoals
> Intended for storage arrays with numerous attached disks (>100) (…)
I want to be famous, not for the fame or the glory - but simply for having the chance to meet some people with whom I think I would enjoy a great laugh!
Digging into cozy mysteries these days.
I'm hoping to grow into a kind, elderly, tea drinking, retired school teacher who brings criminals to justice and shames the police through the power of her indignation.
The cat that caught the canary are #lifegoals.
This is probably the single best thing I've seen so far this year, maybe ever. Thanks to @TheBreadmonkey for bringing this important video to my attention. #cheese
Im Grunde sind die Führungen öffentlich, aber ein Termin zur Besteigung des Daches vom Kölner Dom zu kriegen, braucht dann doch meistens #Köln|erklüngel.
Samstag waren wir auf dem Vierungsturm und haben die Demo durch ein Trompetenständchen unterstützt.
Während man Bensberg ganz gut sehen konnte, hab ich den Hof, beziehungsweise daneben den Förderturm Lüderich nicht ganz erspähen können. Rechts vom großen weißen Fleck.
Außerdem hab ich das Klohaus im Dachstuhl benutzt #lifegoals
when I start going to the grocers in my pyjamas I will be full Big Lebowski, right now I am only Medium-Sized Lebowski.
#lifeGoals #TheBigLebowski
I really feel like I am getting a grip on life at the moment. For example, today I created a complete software based sowing/planting plan with dependencies, GANTT charts - the works.
Then I went swimming with my trunks on inside out.
Like I said, smashing it. #LifeGoals
@j0hnnyxm4s @ShmooCon Finding a friend who can sew you up is #LifeGoals.