Random Retro Game:
Title: OutRun
Released: 1989-09-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, Nintendo 3DS, Atari ST, Genesis
Random Retro Game:
Title: OutRun
Released: 1989-09-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, Nintendo 3DS, Atari ST, Genesis
Random Retro Game:
Title: OutRun
Released: 1989-09-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, Nintendo 3DS, Atari ST, Genesis
If you love outrun music then look no further than this YouTube series!
In this episode:
Dimi Kaye
Russel Nash
Jonny Fallout
The Last Concorde
Shades of Thunder
If you love outrun music then look no further than this YouTube series!
In this episode:
Midnight Fury
Shades of Thunder
Kodachrome Cowboy
Miami Nights 1984
Andromeda Dreams
Surprise everyone! "Trough The Endless Darkness", a new track from our next instrumental album, has now been finished, copyrighted, submitted for release, and is now available for exclusive FREE download on our discord server!
LINK: https://elxar.link/DownloadGift
Enjoy :)
A collage of four nighttime shots showing the mini arcade cabinet marquee lamp lit up in different colors — white, red, blue, and green. Each lighting mode creates a unique retro glow, highlighting the "Asteroids" game panel.
the second image is a slightly different earlier version showing the outrun panel instead of the asteroids.
Just in case you didn't catch this on release... here's you dose of A M A Z I N G music for the week!
...in a very special RETROSYNTH only edition for a change :)
#synthwave #outrun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbJf-_pt_pg
Random Retro Game:
Title: OutRun
Released: 1989-09-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, Nintendo 3DS, Atari ST, Genesis
A #outrun-style, false color infrared image.
Here, IR = red, red = blue, green = cyan, and blue = green. #IRphotography #photography
#outrun - Original #soundtrack #arcade #music by Hiroshi Miyauchi #sega
One more 2014 picture #synthwave #retrowave #outrun #synth
The Yamaha DX7 keyboard has a variant of the same type of digital FM synthesis as the Yamaha YM2151 used in so many arcade games from 1986 onward.
If you haven't seen S.S.T. Band (Sega Sound Team) before, they do live performances of arcade game themes. Here's Magical Sound Shower from OutRun.
The band still tours as Blind Spot. Search both names on YouTube.
Pretty beefy (expensive) chips on the arcade game.