Do I know any #English lawyers?
Nothing bad, I am just curious how someone would get case documents out of the court system for a tribunal I did back in 2014 - Since I assume those documents are "public" now.
Do I know any #English lawyers?
Nothing bad, I am just curious how someone would get case documents out of the court system for a tribunal I did back in 2014 - Since I assume those documents are "public" now.
I've just stumped up a mountain of cash to have a one hour discussion with a solicitor to review our plans for the house when we die.
It's worth it because it's somewhat complicated (to my mind) by family issues and I've rather lost track of the exact arrangements. In addition the solicitors who set it up have gone bankrupt so the new lot will be able to have a fresh set of eyes on the legalities.
@yvan I'm curious to know what the legislation is that makes this a criminal offence (as opposed to a civil offence) - outside of the TV Licence law (which I think we can all agree shouldn't be part of the criminal justice system).
I can see how cracking a Firestick (or Roku or whatever) might infringe patents, or lead to loss of revenue by streaming platforms, but that is surely a civil matter, not criminal.
As to "just" possessing one of these - with no evidence of use - I would again be fascinated if there's any statute or case law to prevent ownership.
We need a #solicitor or #barrister for #ukLegal opinion
Can I reach anyone who knows something about probate and wills?
I am really worried the solicitors may have royally fucked up with Dad’s probate and I don’t trust them to answer basic questions right now.
I’m not asking for nor expecting legal advice, I just want to ask a very specific question about what *should* happen with probate that I can’t google.
Or if anyone has any suggestions on who to ask I’d be very grateful.
literally what the fuck does this even mean?
If you were curious about my legal permission to breathe within this un-submerged Earthling solid angle,
it's that.
If any UK book botherers want to enlighten me, please do.
Thank you for exactly zero legal advice in advance.
I will not be relying on it at all. (And frankly am at non-zero chance of forgetting it soon after.)
It is my understanding I'll maintain the same status but lapsed proof.
It is my experience and expectation that I'll become undocumented, and therefore human scum [sic].
In her Justice Department office in Washington, DC, a vase holds the evidence of how busy the 48th #solicitor #general of the United States has been:
In it, a collection of quills
—an old-time souvenir the Supreme Court gives every advocate who argues there
—serves as a reminder of her nearly four years standing up for the government.
Despite this visibility and all the attention and praise she gets from people who follow the Supreme Court closely,
most Americans would be hard-pressed to name one solicitor general,
let alone explain what this government lawyer does.
It may be the most low-key influential job you’ve never heard of,
tasked with defending the United States and its interests before the high court
—the only presidentially appointed officer required to be “learned in the law.”
That qualification doesn’t exist for the attorney general or even the justices of the Supreme Court.
#help I just had my dog taken by guards/dog warden after a scuffle with a dog, clearly I'm devastated. As the next step involves going to court and present my case, I'm looking for a solicitor to assist thru the process. I just have not the faintest clue of where to start.
If you are or know a #solicitor, please DM me. Thanks!!!
#help I just had my dog taken by guards/dog warden today, clearly I'm devastated. As the next step involves going to court and present my case, I'm looking for a solicitor to assist thru the process. I just have not the faintest clue of where to start.
If you are or know a #solicitor, please DM me. Thanks!!!
#help I just had my dog taken by guards/dog warden today, clearly I'm devastated. As the next step involves going to court and present my case, I'm looking for a solicitor to assist thru the process. I just have not the faintest clue of where to start.
If you are or know a #solicitor, please DM me. Thanks!!!
Today was looking like a difficult day for our daughter. She had a court hearing regarding access to her children who live with her ex.
It's turned out to be a very good day for her and her children. The hearing went pretty much her way, with her ex making a bit of a fool of himself by all accounts.
The solicitor was worth every penny of her fee.
Daughter was strong and brave - we're proud of her.
Our daughter can put this behind her and move on with her life.
Welche Informationsrechte haben Vereinsmitglieder?
@verbaende @deb_teams @THWLeitung @sporthilfe @Kanujugend @lsb_hessen @djksportverband @DBS_NPC @ParaZeitung @SportkreisHD @engagiert_in_hd @StadtpolitikHD @IZ_heidelberg @sjr_hd @BKJeV @bdkj @ljrbw_News @judobund @DTB_Tennis @TS_Bayern #lawyer #Heidelberg #Mannheim #Karlsruhe #Darmstadt #Frankfurt #Stuttgart #germanlawyer #avvocato #advocat #solicitor #Advokat #Fürsprecher #Fürsprech #avocat #advokaat #asianajaja
Summary: can't make his mind up.
I've read all the arguments, for and against, and concluded that #Jesus is who he claimed to be. That matters. He said "Be excellent to one another" (albeit in Aramaic and/or Greek) before Bill & Ted made it cool.
I have an amazing wife. Together we have #twins with #LearningDisabilies. One passed away, February 2024. You can read about them here: