You know, that wolf, was a big one, his shoulders reached as high as mine, a giant muzzle with fangs as sharp as flintstone, as long as my ell, and he growled and barked, ran towards me and jumped and I just tried to raise my spear, but the animal jumped against it, against me and threw me into the pit, and right then, I noticed, that the pit was filled with the remnants of the other hunters who had gone after the beast, but were killed, and now it seemed to be my time of dying, admidst all these dead bodies and bones and guts and swarms of carrion flies all around, and I shouted to Great Mormor to help me – and indeed, she helped me. The wolf standing above me, ready to tear my chest apart, but these flies were distracting him, flying around his head, that he couldn’t see me properly. In that moment, I found a flint knife beside me, I had to pry it from a dead man’s hand, only to realize it was severed with no arm attached, the beast had bitten it off, but then, I took the knife and drove it into the wolf’s throat and his blood poured down on me and the animal collapsed over me. The other wolves sought revenge, but they could not see me for their leader was lying upon me, nor could they smell me for I was covered with the wolf’s blood - and this had saved my life.
Granddaddy – last time you told us the story with a she-wolf. Are you sure ...
Ah, what do you know, young one, you haven’t been there in that pit, lying in that blood, in that stinking heap of flesh… By the way, did I already tell you about my encounter with the sabertooth?