And you can hear all about Universal's Dracula - and it's shadow production - the Spanish Dracula - made at the same time on the same sets in my history of Universal Horror
And you can hear all about Universal's Dracula - and it's shadow production - the Spanish Dracula - made at the same time on the same sets in my history of Universal Horror
Creature from the Black Lagoon had its regional openings today (March 5) in 1954.
#horror #TheCreature #film #films #movies #50s #1950s #50sMovies #Universal #UniversalMonsters #MonsterMovies #TheCreatureFromTheBlackLagoon @horror
#NowWatching The Wolf Man (1941) Time for a Universal Monster classic at the weekend. I really should invest in the big box set! Great cast for this and you can't beat the feeling of these golden oldies. #movies #horrormovies #UniversalMonsters #WolfMan #BelaLugosi #LonChaney
In 1966 Topps released the Frankenstein Stickers set - featuring some monstrous Valentines featuring some familiar guys and ghouls painted by Norm Saunders
Random Old Comic: I Made a Sparkplug and This Is What I Did With Him I Made a Sparkplug and This Is What I Did With Him #BrideofFrankenstein #Dracula #Frankenstein #SparkplugWitwicky #TheMummy #Transformers #UniversalMonsters #ZombieViper
Random Old Comic: Universal Roommate Situation Universal Roommate Situation #BrideofFrankenstein #Dracula #Frankenstein #TheMummy #UniversalMonsters
Random Old Comic: Magically Delicious Magically Delicious #BrideofFrankenstein #Dracula #Frankenstein #SarahFrancis #TheMummy #UniversalMonsters
Apparently its #FrankensteinFriday! So here my take on the classic Karloff incarnation
Happy birthday to Henry Hull, underrated Universal Monster.
WEREWOLF OF LONDON (1935) is on Peacock.
DRACULA'S DAUGHTER (1936) is now on Peacock if you'd like to celebrate Gloria Holden's b'day.
She belongs up there w/ the BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN in the #UniversalMonsters pantheon.
Your dream of power is over, listener. You didn't realize, this podcast is the same type as Kettering's...It's another episode of Frankenstein Minute!
LIFE OF AGONY Bassist ALAN ROBERT Achieves Milestone With Latest Coloring Book "The Beauty Of Horror: Haunted Holidays"
Take a look at Michael Walsh’s Universal Monsters: Frankenstein #1. Covers and preview pages here
#Frankenstein #comics #comicbooks #UniversalMonsters @ImageComics @skybound
Random Old Comic: Magically Delicious Magically Delicious #BrideofFrankenstein #Dracula #Frankenstein #SarahFrancis #TheMummy #UniversalMonsters
Random Old Comic: I Made a Sparkplug and This Is What I Did With Him I Made a Sparkplug and This Is What I Did With Him #BrideofFrankenstein #Dracula #Frankenstein #SparkplugWitwicky #TheMummy #Transformers #UniversalMonsters #ZombieViper